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Rumi was practically salivating as she looked at the pictures and videos that Himiko was showing her from her phone.

Her favorite ones included Izuku's cock, which was bigger than she thought possible due to her lack of experience, and a huge mess of cum, which Himiko assured her tasted amazing. She also liked one video featuring Tsu getting chased around the room before she was picked up by the back of her neck and shoved against the wall so he could fuck the froggy into it, actually putting cracks in the wall with the force of it. Rumi was worried that the frog girl may have gotten hurt, but Himiko assured her that she was fine and that she even got to be Izuku's cockwarmer that night, which was apparently something they fought over.

After a small intermission, Izuku and Ida were called to the arena. As soon as the match started, both disappeared in a blur as they tried to outclass each other's speed, a trail of green lightning indicating Izuku's ever moving position and a small trail of fire representing Ida as he pushed his quirk to its absolute limits, not knowing that Izuku was hardly breaking twenty five percent.

Suddenly, they both stopped, with Ida standing out of breath, his hands on his knees as he tried to catch it.

"Hot damn Ida! You really did well, I couldn't even catch you at half power!" Izuku said, knowing better than to reveal his actual power to unknown people. "Anyway, let's keep this moving along." Izuku said before rushing the fatigued heir and throwing him out of the arena.


Izuku helped the exhausted young man to his feet and gave him a friendly pat on the back while he helped him out of the arena.

Izuku stopped next to the entering Mina and gave her a quick kiss for good luck before leaving, sending Bakugo a glare that he hoped would serve as a good warning.

As soon as the battle began, Bakugo rushed the pink girl and prepared a small explosion with hopes of blinding her with the flash, but Mina threw acid through the air onto the bully's face, burning him slightly.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He shouted as he swung wildly, wiping the acid out of his eyes. He let out a massive explosion in his anger which slammed the girl to the pavement hard.

Now, had Bakugo been calm and without a temper he would have realized that it was best to end the fight as to not upset Izuku more than necessary by not really hurting Mina. Unfortunately, Bakugo was angry, in pain and not thinking clearly.

"DIE!" He shouted as he slammed down on the prone girl with the strongest explosion he could muster, causing her scream of pain to echo throughout the entire field.

"THE REFEREE HAS DECLARED THAT MINA ASHIDO CANNOT CONTINUE, THE FIGHT IS OV-" Present Mic's declaration was cut off as the bully attacked again before throwing the now-unconscious girl out of the ring.

The crowd was in uproar at the audacity of the asshole, calling him a villain and booing him.

Meanwhile, Himiko had tears in her eyes as she watched what had happened to her first female friend ever and Rumi tried to console her.

The crowd, however, fell silent as the winner of the last round came out and calmly lifted the girl into his arms. What was unnerving was precisely how calm he was. It was the eerie calm that one would expect of a reaper of souls rather than an angry boyfriend. The only expression on his face was his eyes, which were glowing a ferocious green as little bolts of lightning shot out of them.

"See you in the next round, Bakugo." He said in a cold tone before gently carrying Mina to Recovery Girl's office.

For the first time in his life, Present Mic had nothing to say.

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