Enough (platonic)

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It's my 8th year roaming these halls. 5 as a student, 1 as the saviour of a war and now, the last one as a student again. The world wanted me to be move on, with all the experience I never asked for, they wanted me to contribute to society as a grown up now. I felt like more of a celebrity, but what is the fame? It's just a morbid story that we all lived in.

I'm back now. I chose to finish my studies. Not because I'm going down an academic route, but because I wanted to feel normal again. I wanted to actually roam these corridors with no other stress other than exams. Is it too much to ask?

I feel even more lonely. People around me are moving on. Hermione and Ron are escalating in their lives but I feel like I'm stuck at one point.

I find myself, going into the muggle world in the holidays. They don't know who I am, so they won't judge. I can hide and not be seen until I want to.

The winter holidays were approaching, so I decided to go into London, to
feel the joyous spirits. Maybe then, I may start feeling emotions as individuals. I saw a poster once saying don't make insecurities into sadness, don't make provocations into anger, but make the moments that make you feel alive into happiness. Running away from death all my life didn't make me feel any alive. The gratefulness came with death looming next to my shoulder.

I apparated from Hogmeade into London. The evening was getting darker and snow was falling, glowing due to the lamplights on the road. I could hear carols, in the distance. Automatically, I walked towards it, alongside others, whom wanted to hear them at the church.

The closer I got, the more the road became illuminated until I reached the church. It was a group of children, fairly big with two woman supervising the gathering.

"They really good aren't they?" The man next to me spoke up. I nodded politely. The man was dressed in all black with a black hat, holding a black umbrella, shielding him from the snow. His face paled in the surrounding, indicating no exposure to sun in a long time. " They deserve a lot more on Christmas" he added. I looked at the children and realised they were orphans. A cardboard sign was in front spelling their cause.

" Would you ever adopt?" The man questioned. I looked at him and then back at the children. " I never really thought of it" I replied. The man smiled and walked away with others, leaving the vicinity.

I stayed, with nothing else to do. I would end my day by apparating back to Hogsmeade and stay in a room there.

The children, were too good as they finished the last carol. Many people walked up to them, thanking them. I walked towards them to give them my donations until I saw a familiar face.

I halted and stared at the little boy, the colour drained out my face. Tom? Is that Tom? I walked towards his side and heard people congratulating them.

" Time to go, Amelia, grab the money. Tom grab the sign" the supervisor lady announced. People started moving away as the children started flock out. Tom grabbed the sign, making me stare at him intensely. It's him but it can't be, I killed him. I killed Voldemort, but this is a little boy, this is Tom Riddle.

The next day, I went to the orphanage. I wanted to make sure, maybe I was just really tired last night and hallucinated the whole thing.

" Hello, looking to adopt?" The matron said at the front. " Umm yeah." I replied, hoping I would be able to see if I was crazy or not. " there is a long procedure before you can adopt, I can go through it all and see if you qualify. " she replied. I nodded and sat down in front of her. This is not like the old orphanage he was in. Is there another Tom riddle. A modern Tom riddle. My mind was going crazy as I listened to her.

" I'm sorry, you don't qualify on all the terms" she said sadly. " I know one of the orphans." I said quickly. " you do?" She asked hoping for a yes. " Tom" I spoke. " oh riddle. He's a strange child, if you can prove you are related to him, you can take him today, he isn't the best child to handle" she replied. That was easy, I just had to flaunt the Peverall links.

The next thing I know he was standing in front of me. My heart raced, he was the cause of all the misery. No Harry. Voldemort was. This is a little boy. " Are you going to adopt me? Are you really family" Tom asked. I used my wand to clean the smudges of his face, making the boy smile really hard. " I knew it" he whispered to himself as my little action, solved all his problems.

"Do you want me to adopt you?" I questioned, out of the blue, shocking me. " Would I be enough?" I added.

Tom replied enthusiastically" Yessss, you would be more than an enough"

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