Everything is okay

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"Happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday to James" Harry and Tom exclaimed. Their son sandwiched in the middle of them. His beaming face blew the candles as he clapped. Harry smiled at his son, in complete admiration. "When I get older, I want to travel, but papa and dad have to come with me" He wished out loud. Tom laughed " You silly, wishes don't come true when you tell others".

It never did come true. James grew up and found his own lily. They went travelling together, after a lot of persuasion from Tom and Harry to go without them.

"Tom I feel darkness around me recently" Harry said after showing a picture of James, whom decided to go America. Tom paled, Harry was always sensitive to darkness and when it surrounded you, it meant your time was nearing to an end. " Don't sorry, it's probably just ur magic flaring up and being more sensitive." Tom replied.

Harry nodded and smiled, slightly amused at Tom's denial. He knew what was coming but to openly express it in front of Tom was not something he could do. " I told James to come back home for a bit" Tom spoke after a while. " It's gonna be hard, Tom, Rose is heavily pregnant. Anything can happen at that stage. She needs him more than me" Harry softly replied. Tom sighed in agreement.

The next day Harry and Tom went on a walk in the countryside, hand in hand. " I really like this area, Tom. It gives me peace. If I was to rest I would definitely want to come here." Harry spoke, squeezing Tom's hand. " Harry don't think morbidly." Tom quickly said. Harry smiled once again.

" Papa, you seem very quiet. Everything okay?" James asked over the phone. " It's okay sweetie, just thinking of how much you've grown and how there will be another little James running around" Harry replied fondly whilst Tom chucked from where he sat. " Papa I'll be over soon, as soon as I can. Just wait for me." James replied before ending the call after pleasantries.

Harry glanced at Tom and saw him in deep thought. Harry sighed. The denial was leaving.

The next day, Tom and Harry walked towards the store. Tom unknowingly became more clingy whilst Harry started to become more dazed with the thick darkness curtain around him.

It was becoming slightly suffocating.

The next thing they know Harry was sprawled on the pavement. "HARRYYY" Tom screamed. "Someone help please" Tom shouted, whilst holding onto the lifeless body of his lover. He tried to use magic but it was too late, Harry was no longer breathing.

James came a day after. He was a mess, crying into Tom's shoulder.

Tom cried even more seeing his son. A once small boy crying in the orphanage, reluctant to open up to him and Harry.

"Oblivate" Tom whispered whilst hugging James. Tom moved back and wiped his tears. " He was a good man, I'm sorry for your loss Mr Riddle" James sadly spoke before joining Rose in the car. He wasn't worried about James, his life was in America now.

Tom felt his knees go weak as he dropped to the floor. " I'm so sorry Harry, he will not forget our love, never he will always feel loved even though we won't be clear memories but I can't do this to him. I can't be here without you but I can't have James suffer." Tom sobbed.

The next morning, Tom was found dead. They both were buried in the little field that Harry and Tom loved to walk by. James heard the news and felt achy, like his happiness was being sucked away but he couldn't pinpoint why, so he continued with his life as if everything is okay.

If you have any ideas of what you want me to write next. Please comment or send message thanks.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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