114 ; dumbledore's army

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hermione had explained her plan for harry to teach everyone some spells, considering umbridge wouldn't do it herself.

"this is mad. who'd wanna be taught by me? i'm a nutter, remember?" harry says.

you shrug, pulling your red scarf around your neck tighter.

"look on the bright side : you can't be any worse than old toad face"

you snort.

"thanks, ron"

"i'm here for you, mate"

i can't tell if that was sarcasm or not

"who's supposed to be meeting us, then?" harry asks.

"just a couple of people"

you swing open the door, it was a small dingy and dark pub with nobody in it except the worker.. and a goat.

"lovely spot" ron says.

"thought it would be safer somewhere off the beaten track" hermione says, you sweat-drop.

"matey, come back here" the worker orders his goat.

you all walk through and into a room, you four sit at the front awkwardly.

there were more than just a couple of people in there, it was most of the gryffindor house and a few others.

it was silent for a moment until hermione stood up, "uhm.... hi. so.. you all know why we're here. we need a teacher. .. proper teacher. one who's had real experience defending themselves against the dark arts"

"why?" some kid asks.

"why?" ron scoffs, "because you-know-who's back, you tosspot"

"so he says"

you frown.

"so dumbledore says"

"so dumbledore says because he says"

"the point is, where's the proof? if potter could tell us more about how diggory got killed.."

harry stands up, "i'm not gonna talk about cedric, so if that's why you're here, you might as well clear out now. come on hermione, let's go. they're just here because they think i'm some sort of freak" harry whispers the last part.

"harry, wait" hermione hisses.

"is it true you can produce a patronus charm?" luna asks.

"yes" hermione answers, "[name] can produce one also. i've seen it"

that was partly a lie, she hadn't seen yours but you could, indeed produce a patronus charm.

"blimey, you two. i didn't know you could do that" dean awes.

"a-a-and they killed a basilisk. harry done it with the sword in dumbledore's office" neville says.

you sweat-drop,

this is supposed to be harry's moment, stop including me-

"it's true" ginny nods.

"third year, harry fought off about a hundred dementors at once"

you nod.

"and last year, he really did fight off you-know-who in the flesh"

"wait. look, it all sounds great when you say it like that.. but, the truth is, most of that was just luck"

you roll your eyes,

yeah, yeah

"i didn't know what i was doing half the time. i nearly always had help"

"he's just being modest"

"no, hermione, i'm not. facing this stuff in real life is not like school. in school, if you make a mistake, you can just try again tomorrow. but.. out there.. when you're a second away from being murdered.. or watching a friend die right before your eyes. you don't know what that's like"

everyone was silent as harry sat back down.

"you're right, harry, we don't" hermione sits down, "that's why we need your help"

"because if we're going to have any chance at beating..." she pauses, "...voldemort.."

"he's really back" a boy in the front row says, harry nods.

so then, you all made a group called 'dumbledore's army'

if you were willing to join and be taught by harry, (and partially you), then you had to write your name down.



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words ; 593

date posted ; 30/04/22


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