116 ; training

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neville holds his wand up, grip loose and uneven.

you peek from behind his shoulder.

he purses his lips, swinging his wand messily, "expelliarmus!"

instead of the robots wand, neville's wand goes flying backwards, leaving everyone to duck down as to not get hit.

it hits the back glass with a loud clunk, falling and hitting the floor.

"i'm hopeless" neville shakes his head.

"you're-you're just flourishing your wand too much. try it like this. expelliarmus!" harry says, showing neville his wand movement and whisking away the wand of the robot.

everyone in dumbledore's army had been sneaking about, entering the room of requirement and trying to seem unsuspicious.

but you were sure filch and umbridge were catching on. you could tell by the way ms norris was lurking around the halls with filch not far behind.

neville had been practicing his wand movements, getting scolded by umbridge for doing it in class.

you enjoyed the running around, it had been to long since you were really breaking many rules.

but the most insufferable thing right now, was practice for the OWL's. it was boring and unnecessary. she had you studying every other day and if she the quill out of your hand for even a moment, it would be an immediate detention.

many of the younger years were sulking around the school, bandaged hands being the new thing around the school.

"stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal" harry says as you all stand on either side of a small sparring spot in the middle of the room.

"it's-it's sort of a wizards bread and butter, really. so, uhm, come on, then, nigel" harry says to the young gryffindor boy standing opposite him.

"give it your best shot"

harry stands by the sort of glass, arms spread to show he won't do anything.

the boy swings his wand heavily, "stupefy!"

both boys fly backwards.

"good. not bad at all, nigel. well done"

then you were all tasked with partners, everyone would spar each other, one by one.

you got some hufflepuff boy.

first up, was ron and hermione.

you grin, stepping back with everyone else.

"come on, ron" everyone choruses, laughing.

the two stand opposite each other, both swing their wands but hermione's gets there first, "stupefy!"

ron gets sent flying back with a kind of shriek.

you snigger, he gets up, rubbing his head.

he walks over to where you, fred and george were stood.

"i let her do that. it's good manners isn't it? it was completely intentional"

you nod, patting his shoulder, "right. you tell yourself that"

after that was all over, everyone hurriedly exited with a younger boy making sure nobody was coming.

but the only problem now, was that another rule was made.

'all students will submit to questioning about suspected illicit activities'

but you mostly ignored it, focusing on your training again.

"stupefy!" you cast towards a balloon that you were practicing on, everyone had their own.

it went flying down to the ground.

harry was seeming to be a pretty good teacher, mostly everyone was doing a fair job at learning what he was teaching. but as time went on, it seemed as if filch and umbridge only got more suspicious.

yet another rule had come, 'those wishing to join the inquisitorial squad for extra credit.. may sign up in the high inquisitors office'

you could already tell who would be signed up for that.

"diminuendo!" you cast at a replica robot, it turns small, rolling around on a tiny set of wheels.

everyone seemed to be rather pleased with harry's teaching and motivational words.

but sneaking into the room of requirements became much more tricky as filch and a group of slytherin's, which obviously included draco and his lankies, had started to lurk around the halls, eyeing any suspicious behaviour.

"stupefy!" you push the robot over to neville, "expelliarmus!"

the robot got cast around a bit more until ginny finished it off with a "reducto!"

you grin.

and everyone was now once again sparring, you were just doing some practicing with hermione.

"expelliarmus!" neville shouts, everyone gasping as parvati's wand goes up into the air.

everyone surrounds neville, muttering praises words of awe.

and then so much time had passed, the holidays had come and it was the final lesson for that section.

"so that's it for this lesson. now, we're not gonna be meeting again until after the holidays"

everyone moans and groans.

"so just keep practicing on your own as best you can. and-and well done, everyone. great, great work"

everyone claps, you grin.

you, ron, and hermione all glance at each other as cho walks over to the mirror alone, glancing slightly at the picture of cedric.

your stomach churns but you smirk anyways.

"see you in the common room, harry" hermione says with a smirk.

everyone exits, thanking harry.



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words ; 788

date posted ; 1/05/22


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