chapter 41| the last 4

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Blaire's POV:

"Amir, I love you so much." I said caressing his soft, black hair.

He spoke back, "You're eyes are so beautiful,Bee." His eyes lit up at the sight of mine.

I drifted to sleep- in his arms.

Hailee's POV:

"Who the hell is she talking to?" I asked Oliver.

"I heard her say Amir." He stated. "I think she's going insane."

"I agree. She needs help." I say, tearing up.

Blaire doesn't deserve this. She doesn't at all. I want her to love her best life, but that won't happen. It breaks my heart.

Myles needs to die.

I mean, I'm heartbroken over Ben's death. But Oliver, man. He's devastated. He was his best friend. They were practically family.

Oliver took Ben in when he was struggling at home. Their bond was and will never be broken.

It's the next day and we all got dressed. We held the lantern ceremony in a cute park at night. It was around 7:30 p.m, so it wasn't too dark.

We all wrote meaningful notes and lit the lanterns.

My note to Ben said, "Gone. You're gone. It feels like a bad dream. I hope that somebody will pinch me. Please, someone wake me up... But nobody did. This isn't a nightmare, it's reality. It's the cold truth. My life without you and Amir will never be the same. I love you. Always. I will forever be consumed by grief. Rest easy, Benny boy."

Of course I write a note to Amir too. But Ben has a special place in my heart.

I began to break down into tears, along with Bee, Ollie, and Bella.

Wow, we're the last remaining.
Ben and Amir are dead, Logan stayed far away, and Andrew is somewhere in Japan. It's just us.

The last four...

Blaire's POV:

I began to sob, as I folded up my note to Amir. My heart shattered and my eyes turned red and puffy.

"I will always love you. I know you'll be with me always."
The was the last line of my note, the rest was too personal. I felt like nobody should read it.

I went to sit on a bench away from the others. I was still crying. I felt a hand on my shoulder... I got startled and jumped a little.
When I turned around, it was a familiar face.

It was Amir.
"Oh, it's just you again." I laughed.

"No need to be startled, baby." He gently said, brushing my hair behind my ear.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too and that's why you have to be with me." He began to choke me.

Oliver's POV:
What the fuck is Bee doing?

I walked over to the bench and saw her gasping for air.

"Blaire, breathe!!! You're fine!!!" I screamed.

She started breathing normally again.

"What the hell happened?" I asked.

"A-Amir.- He tried to kill me!" She squealed in fear.

"Blaire, you're hallucinating." I reassured her.

I feel so awful. She's literally imagining her dead boyfriend choking her to death and she thinks it's real.

"Okay, come on." I put my arm around her leading her to the car.

Hailee and Bella followed me to the car as well.

Bella sat in the front and Bee and Hailee laid on each other in the backseat.

I had "Star Shopping" By Lil Peep on.
That song reminded Blaire of Amir and it seemed to calm her down for some reason.

Oh, not to change to subject, but I need to get my mind off of this. What Hailee forgot to mention was, we bought a cheap, two bedroom apartment to stay in for awhile. The hotel cost too much and the people there started to complain. So I guess we're living in Paris now.

Lottie's POV:

I'm being discharged from the hospital tonight.

I also want to break the news to Myles tonight, but I'm scared...

I'm being discharged now and we're getting into his car.

"Myles, I need to tell you something. Please don't hurt me." I begged.

"I would never hurt you, sweetie." He assured.

"Okay... well, I got a test and you're- you're... not the father of my baby..."

He starred blankly out the windshield, gripping the wheel tightly.

"Are you joking? You're joking, right?" He started to chuckle.

I didn't say anything.

"Oh... you aren't joking."

I shook my head.

"Listen, Lottie, when we get back to the hotel... run. As far as you can and don't let me find you." He said, blankly.

"W-Why?" I stuttered.

"I don't want to hurt you."

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