The Very First Time

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December 5th, 1998

Hogwarts -Hermione's rooms

Harry Potter

Harry stared at the door to Hermione's new room, trying to rid himself of a feeling he couldn't quite name. One that stopped him from knocking, he knew that once he did, she would smile at him and open the door. She would be happy to see him.

Before he could touch the door knob, the door was flung open and Hermione grabbed his hand to pull him into the room.

"Why have you been standing there, the ward told me you were there like three minutes ago." She looked around the hallway making sure no one was about. "I thought you were talking with someone. Hurry I need your help."

"How can I help?" He looked around the room, before his attention was abruptly jerked back to Hermione, when she spun around and lifted her shirt up halfway. "Hermione."

His voice came out strange, he cleared his throat, watching her shift impatiently.

"Harry are you listening to me! Please, it itches! Scratch, scratch!"

Oh. He blushed and scratched her back.

"Oh Merlin that's it! More towards the middle!" She gave a shiver and a little moan, her skin prickling with goosebumps as he lightly dragged his fingernails down the middle of her back.

They both froze, Harry with his hands up he back of her shirt, his fingertips resting lightly against her skin.

He stared down at where his hands rested under her shirt, and instead of pulling them out, flattened his hands against her skin. He could just slide his hands forward wrapping around her to hug her close.

Hermione stepped away, his hands falling off her, and he quickly moved his bag in front of him, feeling the heat in his cheeks. She turned around opening her mouth and then paused looking at his face then the awkward way the bag was held in front of him.

"Oh." Then her face turned as red as his. "Sorry, I didn't mean..."

He gave her a half smile. "I know. Where should I put my things? I brought some things for you too."

She showed him over to an armoire against a wall. "I have a bed in here that we can resize when you come and then you can use the space for your things."

He pulled out a miniature trunk, resizing it and opening it to dig through book and clothes before he found the small black palm sized notebooks he needed. Then gestured her to the couch so he could show her.

He gave her one watching her flip through the blank pages, then look back at him questioningly. He smiled and held up his hand summoning a quill, before writing a message in the notebook.

She gave a small gasp when hers vibrated gently and opened it to the first page.

I wanted to make sure we could communicate whenever, immediately. The notebooks are charmed to sync and vibrate when a message is written.

"Wow! This is great Harry!" She smiled excitedly grabbing the quill from his hand and scribbling in hers. A second later there was a vibration in the notebook he held in his hand.

Thank you. You're the best!

The met each other's eyes and smiled. The moment stretched out and their smiles faded. Harry could see the faint shadows under her eyes and the stress. He reached out and plucked the notebook from her hand laying both their books on the table in front of them before turning and grabbing her hands, stroking his fingers along hers.

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