The Paths We Crossed To Smile

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"Hey, I don't have full length hijab. Therefore I can't wear it to our reading session." Noor admitted after battling with the thought all night. It stressed her so much so that it got her out of bed that early.

"You don't have to wear it because Asmara does. Why are you even telling me that?"

"You seemed disappointed last evening, that's why." Noor sighed as if a weight have just been lift off her chest, while Isma'il appeared perplexed at her claim. She's clearly vexing over nothing and for some reason he finds it funny.

"Why will I be disappointed, Noor. How would you even know I was disappointed?" The amusement was clear in his voice and face. They're in their usual meeting point, the kitchen. Somehow they're always there at the same time.

"So you were, then?" She asked with a deep frown that's almost making her brows touch each other. However, that morning, Noor wasn't there for the usual routine, she purposely came down there waiting for him show up. She's so stressed about the incident that it got her out of bed that early.

"No Noorie, where did you get that from?" Whilst, Isma'il is enjoying were the conservation is heading to, if not for anything, then she concern about him too.

"You know what you did yesterday!" He smile not knowing exactly what it was, he walk ahead to the coffee machine to brew himself a cup. He knew Noor doesn't drink coffee but he still asked if she want some. "I didn't wake up this early just to drink coffee with you, Isma'il."

"Ok Noor, if you don't tell me how I know. Why will I be disappointed in you?" He smooth his stubble beard at the thought that just comes to mind, if Allah willed it, that could be their future. Waking up to his most favorite person in the whole world, seeing her face every morning is a fulfillment for him. Therefore, he sent a silent prayer to the Lord above, to grant him his wish, if it's good for them.

"Yesterday when I asked whether you made Asmara wore that hijab, you look at me with disappointment in your eyes."

"Really?" He scrunched his face at her reason, at the same time picking his cuppa coffee from under the machine. "That's not my disappointment face." He smiled and sip his coffee. If he can remember correctly, it's her appearance that made him went stiffed, because the colours she worn yesterday compliment her skin really well. But the main reason was that her eyes looked like she had cried before she came down. So when his mind was cogitating what had happened with her, she said something he barely grasped.

"It's not funny, I spent hours ruminating why you did smile at that moment." She scratches her nape remembering how frustrated that had been, topping it up with her aunt story, it wasn't any fun!

"I don't  know what you saw at that moment, but by Allah I wasn't disappointed in you, Noorie. Never!"

"Then why didn't you smile?" She pouted.

"Why did you care if I didn't smile, I thought  you don't like me smiling all the time? Beside, I'm not always smiling like you assumed I am. Is my smile some assurance to you?"

"Yes, It's!" She replied bluntly before she could think about it, though that's more than enough for him. My opinion matters to her! Keep it up man! Masha Allah!  His subconscious mocked him. Nevertheless, it's an achievement to him.

"It was unintentionally, it shouldn't have bothered you. I'm sorry!"

"Who said I was bothered? Look at you!" She rolled her eyes at him suddenly feeling embarrassed for being stupid. Isma'il chuckles at her odd behavior, going to Sokoto was a blessing in disguise that Noorur-rahman Adam is still yet to understand.

"Should I make something for you, you skipped dinner yesterday?" He asked breaking their moment of silent, Noor adjusts on the stool she have sitting beside the counter where she's directing facing the window that gives a very good view of there backyard greenery area and colourful flower that her abbah is gaining much interest on. It looks like a promising retirement hobby, though her abbah is far from retiring. "Was it because I didn't smile?" He added mischievously, though anticipating the reply.

Of A Forgotten Storm (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now