In Between Life And Death

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Every once in a while, a person comes face to face with his or her worst nightmare. Something that shake them to the core and make their blood run cold with an unknown fear.

Isma'il has witnessed everything, from when Noor's car suddenly crossed the opposing lean of the two lean road, to when her car flip over like in one of those action movies. He also witnessed  the confusion and the dread in the other driver's eyes. His heart skipped a thousand beat at once as anxiety finds a perfect place in his stomach.

His eyes has blinks once. Maybe twice or more, just so his mind and eyes could see clearly. Yet, the outcomes was still the same. It seem like time has stopped for him, his breathe intake shortening itself while he stood there helplessly. The fear of losing Noor wrung out his heart like a dishcloth. 'Innalillahi wa'inna ilaihir raju'un' keep on rolling out of his mouth.

There is always a risk in love. Loving someone is such a vulnerable thing because as you give your heart to that person, you don’t know what will happen to it. Either it will be cherish or broken by nature. And this is one of those natural heartbreak.

If life was Noor, then his life was vanishing way to quickly, the image before his eyes was nothing he has ever witness before, especially not from a love one, someone that owns a bigger part of his heart. No, not her, his mind try to reason. Oh Allah do not test me with what I can handle, that's his thought. 

"NOOR!" He shouted at the top of his lungs as he rushes to where the car landed upside down. And Noor's in the worst state he have ever seen anyone. Isma'il kneeled  on the shattered glasses on road, calculating how to bring out without causing more injury to her injures. He check her pulse. Not knowing whether he's doing it right or wrong makes cry out in frustration. 

And that's when he realised that losing a person can be this quick, it can happened in a blink of an eye. "Help, please,  help!" His desperation intensifies as the thick stink of blood filled up his nostrils, sending an alarming signal through his brain. She's losing a lot of blood.

A man from the gathering crowd of vehicles owners made a call for ambulance from National hospital, which is much close to them. The ambulance arrives in less ten minutes after Isma'il and another man who claimed to be a doctor have successfully managed to pulled Noor out of her damaged car. The man used tore a part of her veil and wrapped it around her head which helped the bleeding. He's in the middle of performing CPR when the ambulance.  

"She's going to be fine, In sha Allah." The doctor stranger said to distraught Isma'il, he nodded and sits beside Noor in the ambulance, holding on to the lifeless her hand as the paramedic continue trying to bring her back to life. 

A little while after Noorur-rahman was rushed to the emergency unit, Isma'il made that terrifying call to his uncle telling him a bit about the situation. "Abbah, I will like you to sit down if you're standing."

"What's it, son. Are you alright?"

"I am not, Noor isn't, either. Have Mallam Isah(the driver) bring you to National hospital, we're at the emergency unit." The line went silence for a while and he knew abbah was processing the gravity of the information.

Thus, abbah did as he was advised to. It took him thirty five minutes from his workplace to arrive there and in time to maybe save his daughter. When he arrived,
one of the doctors attending to Noor was trying to make Isma'il sign a consent form to operate on Noor, but he refused. He didn't have the authority, he told them.

"What's happening here, Isma'il?" Abbah's voice interrupts them. The troubled Isma'il and the doctor look up to the direction of the voice. Alhaji Adam have same expression as Isma'il, only that his carry so much uncertainty, for he doesn't why he called there.

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