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"Mama, it seems like you're not excited to see me at all, you've been saying all kind of sweet things to lure me here. But now that I am here, you look like I should just go back, hmm." Jamila's daughter complain, she have arrived there late that morning. Jamila even heard Noor complaining to her father about it.

She's still so worried that Noor will do something to insult her in front her child or perhaps insult them both. She knew her daughter is a nice young lady, but there's a limit to what she can take when it comes to her. Also the fight with won't be in their favor, even if they're the ones being wronged. All that was making her tense and terrified of what's yet to come.

"It's just that Noor is a bit blunt and I am afraid she's going to cause trouble, Nabilah."

"I saw that she have a dominating personality. Is she troubling you or what? I can put some sense into her." The girl smile  looking down at Noor from the window of her mother's bedroom. She could see Noor on the swing from up there. They still haven't personally met, since Noor didn't come down for lunch that afternoon, and when she arrived Noor was in the living room, yet she didn't even spare a glance her way.

"No dear, Noor doesn't want anyone close to her father, or in the house. I thought it's only me, but she treated her cousin in the BQ the same way. They said she is not an easy person, Nabilah." Jamila shares her dilemma, Nabilah though believes her mother is worrying unnecessarily. Since even she, won't just get along with her stepfather too quickly. "I don't want to do."

Nabilah nodded in understanding, examining Noor from there as if she can really detect anything from up there. "So she is a loner. Is she my age mate?" She asked getting excited.

"You're a year older, next month she will be seventeen." Jamila answered fondly, Nabilah stare at her mother with a knowing smile. "I'm trying to get her to like me, she's her father's joy. It's difficult, though. She listens to no one."

I have been excited for nothing, Nabilah thought to herself as she draw away from the window taking a deep. She have thought her stepsister will be someone she could talk to. She and her half sister get along so well, she's also her only sister. So she thought Noor will be another sister.

"Really mama, don't let the girl trouble you. If I don't trouble you I don't see why anyone should."

"But she's like my daughter too. Just like I am sure her father will do anything to protect you for me." Jamila said sweetly at her daughter. Without a doubt she knew the man she married is a good one, at least now she gets the respect she deserve unlike how her first husband treated back then.

"Mama, I have my own father too." Nabilah reminded her mother, at times her mother forgot that althought her father wasn't the best husband to her, he have always been an excellent father to his daughter. Nabilah want her mother to always remember that.

"Of course dear, you can live here if you want to."

"No, thank you." She let out a laugh, "I might end up slapping the daughter of the house with how rude she is."

Jamila chuckles, for her daughter was never a violent person. And Noor, she doesn't much about her. However, the girl have a huge punching bag in the gym room. She still wonder why Noor needed all those things like some street fighter. "Stop making mouth, beside I don't think you can handle Noorur-rahman. You won't want to break your nose." She laugh, imagining her daughter in place of that punching bag. She have seen Noor venting in that room a few times. Like the day her father have reprimanded her against something Jamila still doesn't know what.

"Why!" Nabilah's voice pulled her out of her thought, though she still wonder what those two talked about that day. She have a feeling it have something to do with Isma'il. Nevertheless, the father and daughter didn't sleep on that. When Abbah return from where ever he went after scolding his daughter, he have brought her her favorite delicacies. Jamila understand that those two really doesn't need a third party between them, they doesn't stay mad at each other either.

Of A Forgotten Storm (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now