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For the moment, you were crying in the car thinking about your father as Jungkook took a glance at you, "Y/n, please don't cry." But your crying didn't cease while he sped up the speed of the car followed by Neil who was chasing you both from his car.

Neil overtook your car, halting afore your car producing Jungkook to put the brake as your body jerked forward by the blistering force of the brakes applied by him and how speedy the car was but Jungkook promptly propped his right hand in front of your shoulders, protectively while you were clutching onto the periphery of the seat you were sedentary on.

You looked up through the windshield as you saw Neil coming out of the car approaching your vehicle but Jungkook gritted his teeth, "What the F*ck?" He fiercely unbuckled his seat belt as you were about to do the same to egress the car but Jungkook forthwith warned you, "Don't you dare come out. It's between me and him." You halted your bustle hands and gazed at him with your ruddy eyes.

It was the first time you have seen him this irate, you can discern the wrath his eyes contained and you can't turn a blind eye to the forewarning he proffered in that jiffy.

He exited the car, ramming the door shut as you shuddered at the din of the door producing a slamming sound while you closed your eyes in reflex. Jungkook locked the car behind taking the keys with him pocketing them inside the jacket. Neil started his act, "You can't take Y/n away from me."

The first thing Jungkook did was strode towards Neil and punch him in the face as you bawled, "Neil!" Hindering your mouth behind your palm. Jungkook glanced at your figure before twitching them back at the lad he was raging on while Neil prolonged his deed bluff, "Why are you doing this?" Neil veered in another direction, his back was facing you as he smirked at Jungkook which made Jungkook boil in rage, cursing, "You Motherf*cker."

Jungkook punched him in the face and he held Neil's nape, propelling his face on the car's hood as he struck Neil's head a couple of times on the hood clutching onto his nape. Jungkook took out his gun and pointed at the back of his head, "You tried to kill Mr. Lee." Neil laughed saying while the blood gushed down his head, "I will kill Y/n too." Jungkook shouted, "You sc*m."

Meanwhile, you were bawling and weeping inside the car, "Oppa, please leave him. Neil..." You tried to open the door by pulling the door handle and in the meantime, Neil pushed Jungkook, coming out of his grip. You opened the door lock from inside, you unbuckle the seatbelt but it got stuck in the buckle of the car, forcing onto it you pulled it out and scurried outside.

Jungkook pointed his gun at Neil, "I will kill you." Neil saw you coming out of the car, "NO!" You screamed but Jungkook saw Neil taking out his gun, before he could do something, Jungkook pulled the trigger as the bullet pierced through Neil's head.

You shouted, "NEIL!" Neil's body fell on the road in the pool of blood. You halted at your steps while Jungkook tapped on the earphone he was wearing as he stated, "Clean this shit, Jimin."

You ran to Neil but before you could kneel Jungkook held your waist from behind. You wailed, "Leave me." Trying your best to get out of his grip. He lifted you up by your waist while you kicked your leg in the air to let go of his grip. You shouted, "You killed Neil. You are a criminal. How could you? How could you?" You wept in his arms but he didn't listen to you as he compelled you to sit on the passenger's seat.

You cried as he sat in the driver's seat and steered towards the hospital. You shouted "You are a criminal. You killed someone. You are a killer. The Jungkook I knew can't even harm an insect and you killed a human being. I hate you. I HATE YOU. YOU KILLED MY LOVE. Neil..." This was abundant for Jungkook.

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