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The bloke gazed at his younger brother's tragic demise who was laying on his deathbed inside the coffin and taking a last glance the guards covered the dead body as the bloke clenched his eyes shut, restraining himself from letting his teardrops escape his eyes.

"I won't leave you Jeon Jungkook." He gritted his teeth with their peripheries as he felt a hand on his left shoulder as he opened his eyes leisurely. A hoarse voice approached the lad's ears, "You have to take the revenge of your brother's death, Robert."

Robert stared at his brother's grave, "The countdown has begun." Alex, his father nodded, taking a last look at Robert's profile and gazing at his son's grave.


Jungkook entered the security room where Jimin was already present along with Taehyung. Jungkook took a glance at Jimin as Jungkook asked, "You got the CCTV footage?" Jimin nodded, "Yes, Here is it." Jimin directed his eyes towards the huge screen hung up on the wall.

Taehyung played the footage on the screen which luminated Jungkook's eyes through the gleam in the murky room illuminated by the bright screen.

The footage first seemed to be normal as it discerned a inky murky night on the plaza surrounded by the skyscrapers when Jungkook perceived a few noises of the cars lurching towards the middle of the square while it was all silent before.

Jungkook deciphered the cars which belonged to Mr. Lee, with a few cars surrounding his car belonging to the bodyguards.

Just as Mr. Lee's car was about to cross the middle of the square, just the exact nick of seconds a truck came from the perpendicular road and the headlights of the truck gleamed Mr. Lee's face who was talking on a call with you as he twitched his head in the direction of the truck but as he did, the truck collided with his car.

Jungkook's eyes were ruddy discerning this scene, His fists were clenched shut as he gritted his teeth making his jaw clench as his vein embedded his mellow skin, texturing the back of his hand as well as his neck. The muscles of his sturdy arms stiffened.

Mr. Lee's car rolled over the square a couple of times but halted metered away from where the truck was.

The guards came into the scene after egressing their cars while a few more button men came from the same way the truck steered the square.

The bodyguards pick up a fight with the button men while Jungkook discerned Namjoon who was shooting the button men one after another as he rushed to Mr. Lee's car while the guards took a hold on the button men but the one who was steering the truck ran away as Jungkook saw him running away from the crime scene hindering from the bodyguards.

"Pause it!" Jungkook ordered as Taehyung pressed the space button on the keyboard as Jungkook stepped towards the screen as he asked, "Zoom in." Jungkook gazed at the person who was driving the truck as Taehyung zoomed in on the person's visage which in a few seconds showed the clear face of the assassin.

Jungkook scrutinized the assassin's face as the screen showed up with the assassin's name as he whispered, "Lucifer." Jungkook gritted his teeth looking at the screen.

"Find him." Jungkook ordered in a stern voice while Taehyung nodded as Jimin looked at Jungkook.

"It will take some time." Taehyung reasoned as Jungkook said, "Do it as fast as possible." Taehyung sighed before gazing at the laptop screen in front of him and clicking onto the buttons of the keyboard.

Meanwhile, Robert steered his racing car on the race track owned by his father as he increased his speed, he was boiling in rage while his veins were bulging out of his arm from which he was holding onto the steering as he pressed onto the accelerator with full force.

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