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Namjoon's eyebrows clashed with each other while his feet turned towards Jungkook, facing him, "Robert...." Namjoon murmured.

"Alex's elder son." Jungkook completed it. Approached by these words Namjoon raised his eyebrow after becoming aware of the new information Jungkook had casted around.

"How do you know?" Namjoon asked.


Throwing jabs in Lucifer's direction, I took out all my rage on him, "How dare he kill Mr. Lee? M*therf*cker!"

All the emotions were building inside me while only one face picturised in front of my eyes, Y/N. Her smiling as her lips rolled up twinkling her milky teeth with her pretty smiling eyes which soon turned into grief when I remembered her weeping at Mr. Lee's funeral, her gushing tears with her ruddy orbs.

Lucifer lost his consciousness as I let go of his collar, his body fell on the floor. Wiping off the sweat off my chin with the back of my hand, I dragged his unconscious physique to the couch by clutching onto his collar before crouching down beside him.

Taking out the camera I fixed it on his collar before sitting on the couch, waiting for him to gain his senses back.

I intentionally let go of Lucifer while I chased him with my car when he ran to Alex's manor. I halted my car a few meters away watching him stumble inside the manor.

Taking out my phone I watched everything that was going inside. That's when I got a glimpse of the male, the way Alex was treating him like his son. I steered back to the mansion when the male shot Lucifer.

And Today after, I searched for Alex's family and found out about his elder son, Robert but couldn't cast around any picture and then my head clicked, the lad was Robert who shot Lucifer.


Jungkook looked at him, "Yesterday! I kept a secret camera in Lucifer's clothes as he went inside Alex's mansion. I discerned a visage, Alex addressed him as Robert."

"Are you sure he is Alex's son?" Namjoon inquired. "I casted around for Alex's family and acknowledged Robert as his elder son but couldn't find any picture of him. Alex was treating the male like his own son. I am damn sure he is Robert." Jungkook declared as the sun drowned in the sea, the eeyorish took over the sky as the two blokes stood under the dingy atmosphere.

"Are all the devising done for tomorrow?" Jungkook asked as Namjoon answered, "Almost. Invitations have been sent to all the businessmen."

They both stood in the silence as the moon showed his appearance by gracing its gleam onto them while the sea water gleamed with waves wagging to and forth from the shore of the sea making roaring sounds.

"Let's go." Jungkook said as they both sauntered back towards their cars before steering back to the manor.

"Jeon Jungkook, the biggest shareholder of Lee's corporation, has got married. The revelation of his spouse will be done at tomorrow's reception." The news reporter read out the highlights on the television as Robert heard each and every word clearly.

Being seated on the high stool next to the bar counter, the bartender poured him a drink in his glass, "He got married to Y/N." Robert clicked his tongue.

"He forgot to invite us to the reception." Alex said sarcastically, sitting next to Robert sipping onto his drink.

"Don't worry dad, we will surely congratulate them." Robert declared before lighting his cigarette and inhaling the weed, blowing out the smoke in the air while Alex smirked.

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