This Is Too Much James

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Chloe's POV:

I came home today, I was released from hospital and was told I had to be very careful ect. Once I got into the house a bunch of 'Welcome Home' rang through the house. I jumped a little and everyone came over to hug me, I hugged them back but unfortunately didn't recognise any of them, I was just too polite. After saying hi to everyone, I ran upstairs and looked for a room that looked like mine, I saw a door that had 'Chloe' on it, I walked into a beautiful blue room, with sing lyrics and pictures on the walls, a beautiful rug in the middle of the floor, everything neat and tidy, a desk in the corner with a computer and a really nice chair, a double bed with a galaxy pattern bed spread, a fluffy throw and about 20 throw pillows and a few teddies. A huge 3D tv on the wall with surround sound and a huge walk in wardrobe. I walked into the room in awe, and put my bags on the floor by the door, I closed the door and went over to all the pictures on the walls and bed side table. I picked up one picture of me and James, he was kissing my cheek and I was smiling happily, he also had his arms around my waist, it was like someone took the picture and we didn't know they were doing it. Next to it was another picture that looked like we didn't know they were taking a picture, it was a close up and we were just looking at each other, I looked happy...he looked happy. I can't believe I don't remember him, hes so handsome and gorgeous and looking at these pictures its as if we were together but I don't know. I picked up another photo from my bedside table and it was a picture of me and everyone who was around my bed earlier, I sat on my and squeezed my eyes shut trying my best to remember something! Anything! But there came nothing. Nothing at all.

I heard a knock on my door and I stood up and opened it, I saw James stood there "Hi, can I come in?" he asked me carefully, I opened the door further and invited him in, I went back to my bed and sat there with the frame in my hands. James stood next to the bed and said "May I?" gesturing for him to sit next to me, I nodded and he plopped himself down. "You looking at all your pictures?" "Yeah, trying to remember something" I replied "Anything coming back?" he asked hopefully, I shook my head no and heard his sigh in disappointment. I squeezed my eyes shut again but this time I got a sharp, stabbing pain in my brain "Ahhhh!" I screamed as I held my head tightly, James jumped and wrapped his arms around me, he pulled my hands away from my head and started saying things softly in my ear "Shhhh, it's okay, relax your head and slowly open your eyes, you'll be fine" I did as he said and the pain left, I panted and realised I was still in his arms, it felt right to be here, it was as if I'd be here before. I looked up at him and said "Can you show me a place that might help my memory?" "Chloe I don't think that that's such a great idea" he said sympatheticly as he looked down at me "Please James? I'm dying to remember something" he thought for a minute then sighed, he got up and went to my walk in wardrobe and walked back into my room with a pair of black skinny jeans, a black vest top and a Nike jacket "Put these on" he said as he grabbed my Nike shoes out of the closet and put everything on my bed "Why?" I ask wanting to know what was going on "You wore these on the day I kissed you, I'm gonna take you there and hopefully it will trigger something" he said happily as he smiled and walked out.

I got changed into what he gave me and grabbed my phone as I walked out, James was stood outside my door leaning against the wall by my door, he looked up from his phone when he heard me come out and just stared at me, I looked down and blushed and said "What?" he tucked his hand under my chin and made me look at him "You're gorgeous" he said as he grabbed my hand and led me downstairs and out the door and started walking. "How far is this place?" I asked "About 10 minutes" he said as we walked in silence, after 10 minutes we were in the middle of a forest, surrounded by trees and wildlife, it was beautiful. I looked up and could even see the stars perfectly...this feels like deja-vu...

James' POV:

I walked Chloe to the forest and she started looking around, she looks just like she did that day, Im praying to God that she remembers something! I sat down on a log and let her explore around, she looked at me and said "How did it go? You knoweth build up to it all?" I knew what she was talking about so I replied "We were sat here, I told you that i'd only ever had one girlfriend because I don't go for girls for their looks, I go with a girl I can see myself being with for a while and then I told you that's why I tried to kiss you because I saw myself being with you for a long time, you looked at the stars and said they were beautiful so I said you were and kissed you, then you agreed to be my secret girlfriend for a while..." I said weary. "Umm...c...can we know...reenact it?" she asked me nervously "Which part?" I asked smiling lightly "This part" she said as she kissed me gently, I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her back. We pulled away and she looked up at me and said "I'm sorry, this is too much James" before she ran off and left me standing there, not really knowing what to do...

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this, sorry it took so long to get updated, been really busy! Dedicated to TwoRandomGirls_ hope you're feeling better! Comment and vote everyone! Love ya's!

If you wanna see anything happen in any of my stories please comment them or DM me! I'm happy to listen to your ideas! ❤xx

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