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Clementine is 6 now and Shroud is 8. Tommy and Purpled are both 22 (i forgot their age from earlier)

,,Tommy!!" Purpled ran in to Tommy

,,What?" Tommy asked tired

,,The kids!! I cant find them!!" Purpled started crying , Tommys necklace started to glow

,,Stay here! I will find them dont worry" Tommy kissed Purpled and then flew away. Tommy and Purpled have been Boyfriends for 2 Years now.

,,Papa!!" The kids yelled

,,sorry kids , the voices want blood" said a guy with pink hair while getting his axe out. Tommy teleported infront of them and got hit by the axe

,,Ow!! You bastard!!" Tommy yelled and had his Wings as a protection to the kids , Tommy held a hand on his eye that got hit

,,Tommy!?" The man yelled and another one came to them


,,Papa!" tommy picked the kids up

,,Tommy-" Tommy regnoized (sorry for spelling it wrong)  who it was now.

,,Techno. Phil. Leave my kids alone" Tommys eyes turned red

,,Wha- your kids!?" Phil yelled

,,Yes my kids" Tommys eyes turned normal.

,,Anything against my kids or what? Hm Phil?" He asked looking at Techno and Phil.

,,No but where have you been?" Techno asked and Tommy sighed

,,do you guys have a place to stay at?" He asked them and they said

,,Not really" phil chuckled nervously

,,Then follow me , i guess you can stay at our house for now.." Tommy said

,,I will fly , just follow me. I will try to not be to fast" tommy said while flying up a bit , Techno and Phil got on their horses and followed Tommy and his kids. They talked on the way there.

Tommy landed after 20minutes infront of a nice house

,,wow.." Techno didnt know Tommy could built such a beautiful house and so did Phil.

,,Kids!! Tommy!" Purpled ran out of the house and hugged them crying

,,We're okay love , dont worry" Tommy smiled. Tommy let the kids down and kissed Purpled forgeting about Phil and Techno.

,,Im glad your okay" purpled smiled back

,,Phil? Techno?" Purpled looked at them

,,Oh right , i found them with the kids. Is it okay if they stay for a little?" Tommy asked and Purpled sighed

,,Sure , i dont mind"  purpled walked in with the kids to make dinner.

,,Come on" Tommy walked to a stable for the horses , They let their horses there and went inside with Tommy.

,,Nice house" Phil said while sitting down

,,Yea i guess its okay" Tommy answered.

,,Sooo why did you call Purpled Love and kissed him?" Techno asked

,,Are you dumb? We're togheter" tommy said laughing

,,Since when?"

,,2years 14days 3hours and still counting" Tommy answered and Everyone laughed

,,I remember the years and days but not the hours" Purpled said and gave Techno and Phil something to eat. After eating they all went to sleep , Techno and Phil slept in the guest room Tommy and Purpled built.

,,Hey purp?" Tommy and Purpled sat in their bed watching TV

,,What is it sunshine?" Purpled was on his phone while Tommy held him.

Like this i guess , Thats the only picture i found that is what i thought of😂

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Like this i guess , Thats the only picture i found that is what i thought of😂

,,Can i have a kiss? Pleasseee" Tommy asked and Purpled giggled without looking up from his phone

,,Maybe tomorrow" he answered and liked some pictures from other boys on insta to make tommy jealous

,,Tomorrow?" Tommy asked sad , then he looked on Purpleds phone , he grabbed Purpleds phone and put it away on the Nighttable


,,Your liking other mans pictures!?" Tommy was really jealous and Purpled giggled again , he turned around and faced tommy

,,Knew you would get jealous sunshine" he teased Tommy and tommy sighed

,,i think i deserve a kiss now" Tommy said

,,Fineee" Purpled kissed Tommy and he kissed back.

,,Lets sleep now , i think your family has many questions for us tomorrow" Purpled said to Tommy and pushed him so they both layed down

,,did you have to push me?"

,,yes , yes i did". It was silent for a bit and Tommy started to go through Purpleds hair with one hand , he smiled softly at Purpled

,,What?" Purpled thought he had something on his face or something

,,Nothing.. you just look so cute and make me happy" Tommy said and didnt stop going through purpleds hair , Purpled smiled and leaned in Tommys touch

,,I love you Tommy" he said while closing his eyes

,,I love you too purp" Tommy stopped and wrapped his arms around Purpled. They fell asleep while cuddling.

,,Papa!!" Shroud yelled for Tommy and Purpled.

,,Im coming!!" tommy yelled back.

,,Purp , im going to make breakfast. You can sleep more if you want" tommy said softly and kissed Purpled on the forhead

,,Thank you Toms" Purpled said while yawning. Tommy stood up and walked in the kitchen

,,Morning tommy" Phil smiled at him while making pancakes

,,Oh- ehm.. morning.." Tommy forgot that they were really there

,,we need to talk and you know that right?" Techno looked at Tommy

,,Ugh fineee" Tommy said and sat down on a chair

,,So Tommy.. we're sorry for what we did.."

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