moved and a suprise (10)

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I dont know if i will write another chapter but i think yes , this one will be a long one so lets see if its all going to be one chapter or two

The next morning Phil and Techno were awake before Tommy and Purpled , they made breakfast for everyone and woke the kids up at 9am.

At 10am the kids were done with eating Purpled walked down to them already ready for the day

,,good morning everyone" Purpled said and the kids hugged him

,,Morning , is tommy up to?" Phil asked

,,No , he had a panic attack at 2 am to 3 am so i think its better to let him rest" Purpled explained and techno and phil both agreed

,,want some tea?" Phil asked

,,sure , can the kids watch some TV?" Purpled asked

,,of course mate" Phil answered and Purpled walked to the livingroom with the kids , he turned the TV on and the kids sat down on the couch/Sofa

,,here is the remote , if something happens tell us" Purpled said and the kids nodded before purpled walked back in the kitchen and sat down on a chair

,,Are you alright?" Phil asked and placed the tea infront of purpled

,,im okay , just a litte worried about tommy" Purpled explained and they both sat down to him

,,because of the Panic attack?" Wilbur walked in the room and sat down to them

Lets pretend he was there the whole time lol

,,yea.. He didnt have any for weeks now but he was panicing about what could happen if we stay but he was also panicing sbout what could happen if we leave at the same time.. He didnt know what to think anymore" Purpled explained and drank from his tea

,,I mean.. it sure would be sad if you would leave again but i think as long as everyone would stay in contact this time it would be better.. but if you do decide to stay everyone could help you move into a new house here , everyone could catch up on things with you , Micheal , shroud and clementine could often play togheter , we could all have like a family movie night with you and tommy and if you two would need some alone time we could take care of the kids" Wilbur explained

,,Thats true.. i missed being here and i think i do want to stay but i have to talk to tommy about it" Purpled sighed

,,im sure he would be okay with that" Phil said

,,I know maybe.." Purpled smiled and they heard the stairs crack a bit , Tommy walked down in his day clothes but didnt walk to them. He walked up to the kids looking really tired and said good morning to them before going to the others

,,Morning everyone" Tommy said with a small smile

,,jesus tommy. You look sick , are you okay?" Techno asked and Tommy chuckled and leaned on the doorframe

,,Just a little panic attack , nothing serious" Tommy shrugged

,,Tommy it was pretty serious if you ask me.. it wasnt like all the others" Purpled said and tommy sighed

,,Maybe.. whatever , i will need to fly home in two hours and will be back in the evening" Tommy said

,,what? Why?" Purpled asked

,,The animals need their food and i forgot something at home" Tommy explained and Purpled nodded kinda sad , Tommy sat down next to him and put a hand on his cheek and smiled

,,Hey.. i will be back in the evening i promise , I will make sure that they have enough food for the next day and then i will stay here with you" Tommy said and purpled smiled

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