Beeduo finds out (6)

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After Breakfast Tommy was really clingy , Shroud and Clementine played with their new dog (i forgot about the puppy😂😭) in their room while Purpled did the dishes while Tommy was feeding the pets.

Tommy came back in after 20minutes and saw Purpled sitting on the couch watching TV , He sat down to purpled and pulled him softly into a kiss , he put on of his hands on Purpleds neck and with the other one he held one of purpleds hands.

Purpled put one of his hands on Tommys neck to and held his hand with the other one. They kept kissing but had to stop when tommy got a message.

,,Tommy you should look who it is" Purpled suggested while smiling

,,But i want more kisses" Tommy held the s really long and purpled giggled leaning in but stopping right before touching Tommys lips

,,When you looked who's it from you can have as many kisses as you want" Purpled said in a flirty way and Tommy blushed

,,Fineee" , Tommy took his phone and looked from who it is

,,And?" Purpled asked , Tommy looked shocked

,,Tubbo and Ranboo... know.." Tommy said nervous

,,Know what tommy?"

,,Where we are..." Tommy started to panic , Purpled huged him and made circles on his back

,,Hey.. its alright.. they were your best friends so i think they will be really happy to see you again sunshine.." Purpled said.

,,B-but they... i dont know what to do.." Tommy said back,  looking at Tommy

,,Text techno that they can come visit us on Monday , right now its Friday so we still have some time to prepare" Purpled looked at Tommy smiling and Tommy wrote Techno.

,,Tubbo and Ranboo said they will come visit us 100%..." Tommy sighed.

2Hours before with Beeduo and the SBI

,,Hey Phil!!" Tubbo said fake smiling , today was the day Tommy and Purpled left a few years ago.. and that made everyone (but the Techno and Phil) really sad because they didnt know where they are.

,,Tubbo stop fake smiling.. i know how much it hurts Tubbo.. come here and let it all out.." Phil said while having his Arms so that Tubbo will hug him , Tubbo ran to him and hugged him crying

,,I miss him Phil!!" He said crying. Ranboo and Techno both sat on the Couch watching the scene, Ranboo sighed

,,You miss him to Ranboo?" Techno asked

,,Of course i do! He just flew away with Purpled and never came again and no one knows where they are or if they are still alive! What if they dead!?" Ranboo said panicing

,,But we know-" Techno stopped himself and Tubbo and Ranboo both looked shocked at him and Phil

,,Heh..." Phil made a nervous sound

,,you know.. where tommy and purpled are!?" Tubbo stepped back and yelled

,,Tubbo calm down.." Phil said looking at the crying tubbo

,,My best friend has been missing for years now and you tell me you know where he is!? How am i suposse to be calm!!?" Tubbo yelled and Ranboo hugged him , Tubbo hugged him

,,Can you tell us where?.." Ranboo asked nicely , Techno and Phil looked at each other nodding , Techno sighed and took out his phone

,,Let me text tommy , i will ask him.." Techno said while writing tommy.

Technoblade : Hey , Ranboo and Tubbo know that we know where you are and they want to know now. Tubbo is crying and Ranboo is trying not to.

Tommyinnit : They know what now!? Ugh.. fine , tell them where we are and tell them that they can visit on monday , the way is 4 hours to 6 hours long.

Technoblade : They will come to 100% they said. I will come with them so that nothing happens.

Tommyinnit : Alright... tell them we miss them really much and are happy to have them here on Monday.. how long will they stay?..

Technoblade : They said for 2-3days maybe.

Tommyinnit : Okay thank you , see you on Monday :)

Technoblade : See you

,,Ok so we're starting Monday at 7am. The way is 4 hours to 6 hours long" Technoblade said and put his phone away. Tubbo and Ranboo both smiled and nodded.

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