My Second Chance Part 2 Chapter 5

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My Second Chance Part 2 Chapter 5

(not edited)


They thought that since they took away my powers that I couldn't practice magic. People owed me favors, black mail and debts paid back helped me get a little magic back. Black magic isn't as strong as good magic but it's a start. When I get enough power I’m going to kill the council and become Queen. But what's a Queen without her King? Ace is my King.

My mom thinks that I don't know what's going on. I have my inside spies, they are going to make Ace the werewolf King. The vote was 2 to 1. You see, there are three elders from each supernatural Werewolf, Witch and Vampire they oversee everything. One of them thought that it would be good to have a king from each kind to help take the workload off of them and keep things in order.

They chose Ace for Were and for Witch that weak *ss Carmen. I hate that goody two shoes, we use to be best friends until I caught her in bed with my boyfriend of three years. They are at the top of my list, I'll make everyone who ever crossed me pay.


I shifted and ran for an hour to cool down, she makes me so angry sometimes. I know that she means well but everyone knows my temper, sometimes I can't control it. I blame it on my ex rouge mate. After her my temper just can't be controlled.

I have enough to worry about with her *sshole of a mate and crazy witch, not to mention I still need to make a decision about being King. If I say yes my family is going to be in more danger. I wish I could talk to my dad he always knows what to do.

I sat at their grave talking to their stones like I always do when I need time to myself.

“I miss you guys. I’m sorry I let you down.” There was a tap on my shoulder. What the hell..? I rubbed my eyes.

“Ace what did I tell you about swearing?”

“Mm-Oomm? How are you guys here?” I asked while jumping up. I must be losing my mind.

“Hey son! The council sent us, we heard you can't make a decision. We don't blame you for what happened. We're proud of you and we believe you will make a great leader.” Said my dad.

“Yeah Acey we love you!”


“Missed me?” I hugged her like there was no tomorrow. I missed my little sister. She was annoying but that’s what I missed the most.

“I’m so sorry Bonnie, you had your whole life ahead of you.” I f*cked her whole life up.

“It’s OK. The other side isn't bad, my mate died two months before me and I met him when I died. We're happy.” She said while day dreaming.

“He better take good care of you or I'll come to the other side and kill him.”

“Still the same over protective brother.”

“Our time is almost up. Take the position son, your temper may be bad but you're a good person and Alpha. Thanks for taking care of the family, tell them we love them and kiss my grand baby and Anna for us, she's good for you.”

“I love you guys! Will I see you again?” I asked.

“That's up to the council, goodbye Ace.” They disappeared before I could say anything else.

“Goodbye.” I whispered. I didn't know I was crying until I felt something wet on my face. What the hell? I don't cry, I need to get myself together.

~Ace where are you?

~Graveyard, is something wrong?

~No, Anna said you left an hour ago and was blocking her.

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