My Second Chance Part 2 Chapter 9

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My Second Chance Chapter 9

Not Edited


There stood Monica's mother and she looked pissed off. I walked towards her. I hope she wasn't pissed at  me.

“Hi Mrs Duncan is everything OK?”

“We need to talk in private.” I lead her to my office after kissing Anna.

“Ace we have a problem. Rumors have been circulating about Monica. Apparently she's been using black magic and is up to something but we don't know what.”

“Yeah she's been here, she let out Anna's other mate.”

“The pack house is protected by the charm I put on it. Your office and bedroom are the safest places in the house because the council spelled it. Keep an eye out for anyone and anything suspicious. We moved the coronation up to next week just in case. We want you and every one else to be protected. Take this book and study it. It's filled with the most important spells. See you next week, if you need anything call.”

“Thanks Mrs Duncan.”

“I told you a million times to call me Julia.” She smiled then disappeared.

I looked at the book, that's a lot of spells. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.


“I need to talk to you.” What the hell does he want?

“What do you want?” I said with rudely.

“Sit down, this is going to take a while. First of all I'm not Shawn I'm Liam. I used Shawn's body so that I could join the pack and get closer to Anna.” I growled feeling myself about to shift. I grabbed him by his neck and threw him across the room. I mind linked Lance, John and Kevin telling them to come and not alarm the girls. I had him pinned to the wall when they came in. He didn't even try to fight. They walked in looking pissed.

“What the hell is going on?” Kevin growled.

“He claims that he's Liam.”

“How is that possible?”

“Monica.” He answered.

“She switched my body. Now can you let go so I can explain.” I let him go but not before breaking his nose.

“Shit!” He cursed trying to reset his nose.

“Talk." I was getting angrier by the second.

“Monica broke me out of jail. She then kidnapped Shawn and after lifting my curse she switched our bodies.”

“Why would she help you?”

“She wants you and I wanted Anna.” I growled.


“I know. The key word is wanted. After the curse was lifted it felt like a big ass weight was lifted off of my shoulders. She helped me in the hospital. We talked, her not knowing who I am. She said she forgives me for what I've done and will always love me as a mate. She said if it wasn't for the way I treated her she wouldn't have met you. I saw how happy she was, I couldn't take that from her. I made her suffer enough but then I met my third mate. As you know all alphas get two mates so I was shocked when Charity confirmed us being mates. I vowed not to repeat history.”

“Why the hell are you telling us this?”

“Monica, she's crazy. She wants to rule with you, if I take Anna then there will be nobody standing in her way. She somehow found out about my mate and threatened her. I can't let her or Anna get hurt. I know all of you hate me for the shitty things I've done, not to mention killing you. I just want to make things right. The curse isn't clouding my judgment, I need to make things right.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2017 ⏰

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