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Jungkook was sitting on the living room couch, writing something on paper. He seemed quite focused but his focus was disturbed by a sudden unexpected call.

He gets a bit irritated but he tries to hold back and takes his phone to look at the caller id. He gets a bit surprised seeing it was his best friend Y/n's mother.

She doesn't call him that often. It's usually Y/n who calls him. But after what happened the day before yesterday he hasn't heard back from her since.

Without wasting any time he picks up. From the other side of the call, the almost cold tone makes him get nervous a bit.

"Hello aunt, how have you been?" he asks in a gentle tone.

"I'm not so well dear," she replied, in a not-so-happy tone.

"Omo, why? What happened?" he asks getting concerned.

"I don't really have time to explain but I want you to come to our place as soon as possible," she replied.

"Okay? But may I know why?" he asks.

It was silent on the other line for a moment but then he felt as if she was sobbing. He felt something was very wrong and he started feeling getting uneasy feeling all the more concerned.

"Aunt? Are you okay? Is everything alright?" he asks.

"Y-Y/n...S-she is no more," she said as her voice cracked. He could feel the pain in her tone.

What she said turned his world upside down in mere moments. He has never thought she is going to say this.  He never expected that.

His only best friend, Y/n, is no more. But how? She was fine just yesterday, right? What must have happened that led to her sudden farewell? It was unbelievable to him.

He was feeling regret, pain, grief, and many mixed emotions that he could not describe at that moment in time through words. It was too much of a complicated feeling to put into words. The sudden pain slowly yet painfully starts to take over his heart. It started to feel suffocating and heavy in there.

Warm tears started forming in his eyes as they rolled down. What is this weight he is feeling in his heart? What is this pain? Why must life be so cruel? Was this how it was supposed to end? Without a farewell?

Without a word, she left him all by himself. It was difficult to take. The harsh truth was tearing apart his heart into millions of pieces. The pain was indescribable.

The grief of regret burdening his heart made it difficult for him to even breathe. His breathing has become uneven and shaky. This was way too much for him to take at that moment. He tried to stay strong and forcefully held back his tears though it felt impossible.

"How did she die?" he asked in the same cold tone which was present in Y/n's mother's a while back.

"S-she was murdered," she said, he could understand that she was trying to hold back her tears but it was all in vain. He could feel her pain from here.

"When did this happen?" he asked maintaining the exact tone.

"T-The day before y-yesterday, around evening. A-and today police called saying they want us at the police station with you. They have something for us to know."

"Hm, I'll be there as soon as possible."

But I Still Want You - J.JK ✔Where stories live. Discover now