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But, before you go nuts at me in the comments, please just hear me out.

I've been thinking about this for the longest time. It's not a decision I suddenly decided to make this morning; it's not like I woke up and went "hey maybe I should leave Wattpad lol". The problem is just... I hardly do anything on Wattpad anymore. I don't really write stories here, I sometimes post art but it's still not that often. I feel like all the fun on Wattpad has been drained out. Pretty much all my good Wattpad friends are gone, and I keep being harassed by tons of toxic people that won't leave me alone. I dunno, there are other sites that just feel... more welcoming towards me I guess? Also it'd be a lot easier for me to live without Wattpad if I'm being completely honest. This website has been a really fun place, I've met some amazing people and made some amazing memories, but I think it's time for me to go.

I honestly don't know how to explain how I'm feeling about this. It's probably even going to hurt me for a while. But it's really what's best for me. 

I'm not leaving immediately, don't worry, there's still tons of preparation I have to do in order to fully leave, like moving all my stories elsewhere and stuff like that. I'll stay here for another day or two before leaving. It'll give me time to say goodbye to all of you and prepare for whatever the future is going to bring.

I'm sorry, I really am, but it's honestly what's best for me. If you'd like to keep in contact with me, please DM me or something and I'll see if we can figure something out. And I'll update this book when I've actually left and post an announcement about it, so until then I'll still be here.

You all are incredible, don't forget it, and I'll talk to you later 👋

I'm leaving Wattpad.Where stories live. Discover now