Chapter 5

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It's been about 2 weeks now since I turned. I have no craving for living things thankfully. I decided showing up at the kids doorstep demanding my dog back after your supposed to be undead wouldn't be a smart thing so sadly I'm still alone. I went back to just randomly scavenging and digging holes. I have yet to see anyone living which might be a good thing.

I found out that my eyes do actually glow, they are much more noticeable at night obviously. I can now see at night literally like an owl or some other nocturnal creature. My muscles burn if I don't get enough exercise, I'm faster and stronger than I have ever been. The biggest adjustment was my senses. They are all heightened, hearing and sight most of all. Beyond anything a normal human can do. I also have like a sixth sense thing goin on. I can literally feel when a roamer is within 100 feet of me. The first time I felt it I went a little crazy not knowing what the hell was going on. Plus size is the roamers literally ignore me, like I don't matter to them. They will see me cutting some other roamer up and walk towards me sniff me and walk away. So now even the undead don't want anything to do with me. I highly doubt anyone living wants anything to do with me.

I decided to still try to help people, I mean I ain't got nothin better to do. I rarely ever feel hungry now and if I try to sleep more than 4 hours my body starts hurting. I don't even sleep cause I'm tired I sleep because I'm bored. I really need to find people before I go crazy.

"No!" I hear a woman yell but it's soft so it must be far. I hop in the truck and take off in that direction. As I get closer I hear loud sobs and pain filled grunts. I pull into a somewhat nice neighborhood, get out the truck and look around. I don't see anyone. I hear the cries again and run behind the house it's coming from. I see a man who was obviously bit a while ago whom is already dead. Next to him is a woman holding his hand while laying next to him. Her neck has been chewed through and it's obvious she won't last much longer with the painful grunts coming from her. Then next to them both is a beautiful little girl about 8 with dark brown hair and stunning emerald green eyes sobbing.
I take a look around and see a couple roamers they must have put down. I quickly walk over to the woman.

" Take care of my Isabella. Don't let her be alone," the woman says as loud as she can. If it weren't for my hearing I most likely wouldn't have heard her. She grabs ahold of my hand and puts something in it. It's an envelope with something hard inside it. Looking in her eye I could see her heartbreak and how much she loves her daughter. I had no choice, I didn't have it in me to turn away.

"I give you my word to protect and care for her as if she were my own," I said confidentiality without hesitation. She smiles as the light leaves her eyes. I softly close her eyes and look to the sad girl beside me. "Isabella... sweetie. Look at me" I softly say. Slowly she turns her head and then launches herself at me. I put my arms around her and rub her back. I pick her up in my arms, tuck her head in my shoulder so she doesn't see and use Artemis to make sure neither of her parents turn. By the time I walk back to the truck she has cried herself to sleep on my shoulder. I put her in the back on my bed make sure she's bundled up and put a bottle of water and a granola bar beside her for when she wakes up. I get back in the front and open the window separating the cab from the back so hopefully she won't freak out too much when she wakes up.
——————————————————————————— Its been three weeks that Izzy has been with me. She really smart for her age. I've been teaching her random survival skills and she successfully made her first bow a couple days ago. Shooting it however is another story. I rarely go scavenging anymore now that I have her but when I do she sits in the truck until the store is cleared. I've never loved my truck more, it's so high up I don't have to worry about roamers getting to her and it's really good at running a bunch of them over when they are in the way. I recently added a grill guard to the front so they go down even easier now.

About a week ago I ran into a boy surrounded by roamers. I got to him in time to save him. His name is Duane and his father Morgan is a good man. I gave them some supplies and promised to bring some more in a couple days. After explaining my bite Morgan didn't feel comfortable with me being around Duane and decided to go our separate ways but I stick close to where they are holed up hoping he changes his mind.

Today I decided to go scavenging at the hospital. Stock up on some serious medical stuff I can't find elsewhere. The hospital is pretty empty besides a few places that are locked up due to the dead.

"Nurse.....nurse," I hear someone say softly. No there's no way. There is no one calling for a nurse in an abandoned hospital after the apocalypse. I started filling a container with IV bags and morphine drips. Once that one was full I started grabbing respirators and antibiotics and painkillers. People must still think this hospital is overrun because they are still mostly stocked. I need to hurry I don't like leaving Izzy in the truck for long. I'm able to stack all three boxes and carry them down the stairs I'm walking out the exit when I swear I heard a door open. I must be going crazy. I open the back of the truck to see Izzy coloring in her color book just like I said. I didn't want her to get a good look around because there are bodies everywhere.

"Hey Izzy. I got a lot of stuff," I told her as I started loading everything in. After I got the third one in the exit behind me opened. I spun around so quick ready to fight only to see a man. An injured man in nothing but boxers and a hospital gown. I could do nothing but stupidly stare.

"Ex..excuse me. Could you tell me what's going on?" He said softly looking around confused.

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