Chapter 8

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Shane slowly gets off the ground as Rick waves me over. Izzy runs up to me with a smile and I pick her up and set her on my hip and head over to Rick.

"Haley this is my family. My wife Lori and my son Carl. The asshole over there is my partner and best friend," Rick introduces us and points to Shane. I stick my hand out to Lori and she reluctantly shakes it. Carl on the other quickly grabs my hand shaking it quickly with a smile on his face.

"That was so cool! Can you teach me how to fight like that?" Carl asks practically jumping up and down.

" Well that would have to be up to your parents little man," I say with a smile. Izzy pokes my face so I let her down and she walks right up to Carl with a smile.

"Hi! I'm Izzy! Do you want to play with me? I got a lot of fun board games!" She says excited to finally have kids to play with. Carl quickly nods and grabs her hand. Izzy looks to me and I gave her a nod still smiling. Izzy starts running to the truck dragging a little Carl with her. They are both too short to get in the back so Izzy has Carl crawl in the drivers side before they both crawl through the window to the back.

"She must take after her father," Lori comments following the kids with her eyes.

"Actually I found Izzy a couple weeks ago. Her parents were just bit and her mothers dying wish was that I take care of her," I explain even though it's not really her business. Right then two cars pull up and people get out. A blonde girl starts running yelling 'Andrea'. That must be the people who went on a run.

"Oh Bless her heart. She's lucky you were there. Why don't I introduce you to everyone," Lori says quickly changing her attitude towards me. I meet everyone Andrea looks like she wants to ask me a bunch of questions, Amy is scared of me. Glenn was very polite as was Jaqui. Dale was very welcoming, Rosalis doesn't like me I think he pulled his kids away when they tried to walk up to me. Carol is sweet but I can see abuse from a mile away. Sophia seemed scared of me but she likes Izzy. Daryl just gave me a silent nod and Merle just keeps looking me up and down while licking his lips. Lori didn't even go near him. After meeting everyone I asked how the run went and found out that the city is infested with walkers and they couldn't get in to any building that held food. The only thing they have to eat are 3 squirrels and 2 rabbits Daryl caught and there is a lot of people here.

So I walk over to my truck and pull out three containers that hold food and cooking stuff. I pull the lids off and that's when everyone decides they like me as they run over.

"Holy shit! I haven't seen this much food in so long," Glenn says and he runs his hand over it all looking like he found a chest of treasure. I give him a soft laugh.

"Well who usually does the cooking around here?" I ask looking at everyone. Lori and Carol lifts their hands. "Well the two of you take what you need and let's try to get everyone's bellies full tonight. How does that sound?" I say with a smile. Everyone starts cheering. It's probably been a long time since they had an actual full meal. As they start going through and seeing what I have I look over to the Dixon brothers and see that they are having a hushed conversation. I decide to go introduce myself to Merle.

"Sergeant First Class Haley Johnson," I say sticking my hand out to him while his brother steps back. He looks at me with wide eyes recognizing my title.

"Former Specialist Merle Dixon," he says shaking my hand. " I did one tour in Afghanistan, hear you did three in Iraq?" He says.

"Sure did. 493 confirmed kills. 267 successful surgeries while out in field," I explain emotionless.

"Your a trauma surgeon?" He asks in disbelief.

"Sure am," I reply.

"Then we are truly lucky to have you here, Sergeant. Now tell me a fine little lady like you must have a man. How bout you go on ahead break his heart and hop on me. I promise to take good care of you," he said licking his lips and molesting me with his eyes. I gotta admit it's been a while since someone properly manhandled me and I'm sure he can but he also gotta know that I will be respected. I wrap my hand around his throat and push him against the tree behind him and slowly lean in to whisper in his ear.

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