[ix] Mawar Siti Alya

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Since that day under the moonlight in the fields of paddy, Azfar and Alaina managed to get back to what they were. Now Alaina has more than a reason to motivate her in pursuing her dream and has been hitting the gym harder than ever.

After two weeks since back in the gym, Azfar and Alaina's applications into NDUM are finally accepted and they are required to be present in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In the early morning of that day, Azfar, Alaina and their family are flown with a private jet from RMAF Butterworth down south to RMAF Subang. Before lining up on runway 36 before their departure, there were 2 F/A-18D waiting behind their jet to do their routine morning flight. When Azfar saw the jets, Azfar mentioned it to Alaina,

"Babe, one day you'll be comanding one of those aircraft yeah?"

"Yeah, If I'm good I will be in front and you will be in the back" Roast Alaina to Azfar downplaying Azfar's skill after remembering he had won the last dogfight that they did. Said that everyone in the jet erupted into laughter filling the Bombardier Global Express cabin with laughter.

They then took off and only after 30 minutes of cruising, they land and arrived in RMAF Subang. They then hop on onto their rent MPV and head to the university of their dream.

Once arrived, Azfar and Alaina got done with all of their proper documentation to the interviewer. Alaina and Azfar then got done with their PT Test, Writing test and other various tests before getting into their Bachelor slot. Once both of them are sweaty and tired, all of the applicants are given their slow into which Bachelor's. Luckily, both Azfar and Alaina got into the Bachelor of Aviation due to the slot not being full up as they expected. With this very good news, Alaina finally let a relaxed sigh.

Unexpectedly, when they were lining up on assigning their dorm, Azfar spotted Mawar Siti Alya, one of his exes that he hadn't seen for the last 3 years. Azfar froze in silence and taught to not tell Alaina about it. Later, Azfar and Alaina is assigned to the different dorm and thus start their fighter pilot career.

"Finally, the start eh?" Ask Azfar to Alaina.

"Yeah, the start we both promised. Here it is babe." Answered Alaina.

With their studies now underway, even if they're separated from different dorms, Azfar and Alaina kept hanging out together and studying when time permitted them to do so. Not to forget Mawar who Azfar can't get off his eyesight. Remembering his past with Mawar, Azfar just froze in silence not wanting to spark anything with Mawar. At this moment also Azfar discovered that Mawar had taken the same studies as him and Alaina as he noticed her going to the same lecture room as him and Alaina.

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