Chapter 8

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"And you're positive this is what it looked like?"

"Yeah. I can't... forget it. Not when everything else in that room I saw it in was red and bloody..."

Sir Nighteye nodded his head at you and then looked to Bubble Girl. She took the sheet of paper that you had just described the perpetrator on and left to go put out an APB on the person you had described down to the colors on his tattoo.

Speaking of that tattoo, it seemed to be the key piece of information that would not only track this guy down but also let the heroes know what group he was part of and why he might have done what he did.

You had been so disturbed by the scene that your mind had hyperfocused on the tattoo rather than the dead and mutilated bodies that were all around you. At the time, you didn't think much of it, but now after having mentioned it to the heroes, apparently even something that seemed generic to you was valuable information.

A tattoo that ran across an entire arm. It was a rose on the top of the hand and then twisting and turning vine of thorns that ran up to the shoulder. The bud was just starting to open and had petals that ended in a vivid scarlet but started out as midnight black. The thorns were small and the vines a dry brown, as if the flower had not been watered and was slowly dying out, thus causing that black color on the inside of the petals.

You wondered back to the little room you had been calling home, but paused when you noticed a hand. It was coming from inside your room and was waving at you. The hand-turned and the fingers bent inwards and outwards, the motion telling you to come near.

With a small chuckle, you went towards the door and allowed it to creak open a little more. The hand disappeared through the door and you, as expected, saw Mirio inside your room. He looked happy to see you followed his directions and once more motioned for you to come closer to him.

"I heard you gave Sir some good information!" Mirio praised you. "Good job! I think we're nearly ready to crack this mystery and solve it! Not to mention put the culprits away for a long time."

"Yeah... I'm ready for things to be over. I just want to go back to my normal life." You told him. "I want to go back to school and graduate... and start my own daycare center."

Mirio blinked and then a gentle smile appeared on his lips. "Even after all still want to work with kids?"

You nodded. "I love it. Seeing them grow up and learn about themselves and the world... it makes me feel like I'm helping the next generation... even if its just making sure they all know hoe to properly tie their shoes."

"Nonsense!" Mirio boomed and placed his hands on one of your shoulders respectively. "Even the smallest gesture of kindness can make the biggest impact! I bet you did and will do more then you know, (Name)!"

You inhaled slowly and nodded your head at him. How he always could make you feel like you had more worth than you thought- maybe even any worth to begin with... was truly a power of Mirio's he too had no idea he possessed.

"So... what do we do now?" You asked the blonde boy and he hummed.

"Well.. Sir is gonna have Bubble Girl run a back ground on the tattoo you saw and hopefully it'll pinpoint the gand we are looking for. Each tattoo is unique to each organization so it shouldn't take long! Then we'll bust in, put a stop to any more murderous plans they have, and arrest them!"

"It sounds like you've got it all planned out." You chuckled and Mirio flashed you a smile and a thumbs up.

"Just give us another day or two and you'll be able to start working towards your dream career and daycare center again soon!" Mirio nodded at you.

False Impression (Togata Mirio x Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now