Paperwork and the Night-Night gun

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The scene lit to a large grey dimly-lit S.H.I.E.L.D office. Rows of cubicles and desks and fluorescent lights went in every direction. The room was mostly empty, but for one woman sitting in the cubicle at the end with her back to the camera. The camera zoomed in on her, showing her face. She was an Asian woman with an expression on her face that showed you nothing. it was a much younger May,

"Agent May," Came Coulson's voice.

"Coulson!" the agents cheered "So Fury did revive him it wasn't just the Coulson look alike's real Coulson's been alive and we never noticed." Tony points out

"No." She said, without looking up.

"So you've been briefed," Coulson walked slowly around her cubicle until he was facing her.

"I'm not going back in the field," May said, without looking up.

"I always wondered what happened to May that was so bad for her to give up fieldwork" Natasha ponders

"Yeah," Coulson said, glancing around at the other cubicles. "You've got such a nice setup here. Have you ever thought about adding a moat?"

Tony, Steve, and Clint snort at the comment. Nat was smiling fondly recalling all the times Coulson had come to her and helped her around a mood or to lift her spirits after a bad mission.

May finally looked up, unimpressed. "I just need you to drive the BUS," Coulson assured her. "Liaise, ground transport, some on-site supervision. This isn't a combat op."

"See he says that now but the second they get on the BUS or whatever it will because that will be when all hell breaks loose." Carol laughed.

"Then you don't need me."

"But he does or else who is gonna save Coulson's sorry ***" Clint laughed

"I do," Coulson said, walking around the cubicle again so she was facing him. "Because we'll be running ourselves. Picking the ops, making the calls. No red tape." She was looking at him now, intrigued. "This is where they actually make the red tape, isn't it?" He glanced around the vague Coulson-trademarked smile on his face. "I've always wondered."

" Melinda," Coulson said. She let the ghost of a smile cross her face.

Steve snorts at his antics

"You're really just asking me to drive the BUS?"

"I'm not asking," Coulson said. He shifted and headed towards the door. She frowned. "But it's a really nice BUS," He added.

"I want to see what this BUS is, like are they really going on missions driving a BUS?" Howard asked. Nat smirked "The BUS is probably a high-tech plane" She guessed

The view changed to a S.H.I.E.L.D hangar, where a large sleek black plane was sitting with its nose sticking out the front doors.

"Called it" Nat grinned.

They saw an agent walking towards the plane, carrying a black duffle. He took off his sunglasses as he approached, looking expectantly up at the great hulking black chunk of metal.

Ward walked up the open cargo bay hatch of the plane, past a black van. At the top of the ramp were a pile of suitcases, normal cases, and trunks. Two people were fussing over the bags, a man and a woman. The woman picked up something silver, and the man hurried over with a panicked, "Hey, Woah Woah Woah! Careful, that's the Night-Night gun." He took it from her hands and cradled it in his arms, and they could see it was a sniper rifle made of silver and chrome.

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