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"Well, they're not exactly what you'd call welcoming" We see Ward sporting a really worn out disheveled look with a beard and everything. 

"Wow what happened to Ward?" Tony yelled along with many others.

During Hydra's Reveal Ward was outed as the Nazi scumbag he always was and after days of unremitting efforts the team was finally able to capture him and they had him trapped down their since then using him for intel.

Everyone scowled specially The spies who had known Ward and the people from the 4's who had to fight against the nasty octopuses. 

"They don't give you a choice" he is explaining something  

"yeah no kidding" Steve scoffed 

"He's talking about Hydra isn't he?" Tony asks rhetorically  

"So what do they give you, money? Threats? Torture? Combo platter?" she sassed stoically, now we see Skye sitting cross legged on a metal chair behind a device. 

Nat cracked a grin

"they're good at convincing people" he states 

"He means brainwashing" Steve growled 

"yeah, well, they suckered you in" Skye agreed 

"No. I was never loyal to Hydra. I was loyal to Garrett." he denied 

"Cause that just makes it soo much better" Bruce scoffs

"Oh. Garrett is the reason you're a cold-blooded killer..." she jabbed 

"I don't blame him for the choices I've made" he defended his old mentor 

"of course not I remember he wouldn't stop whinnying about how his family did him wrong" Maria scoffed too thinking about her own messy past. 

"Right. I seem to remember you blaming your brother. or was it your parents, Man I can't keep up" Skye retorts 

"She's not alone on that" Nat nods

"My family tore me down. Garrett built me back up... the way he wanted. " he corrected 

"Gods he is so pathetic" Thor groaned leaning back in his chair swinging a long drink from his beer. "Hey, where'd  you get that beer?" Howard asked, "Oh I have a mini bar installed in all of my meeting rooms" Tony states pointing to the far corner where the mini bar was. "Help your self" Tony signals. Howard jumps up and races to the bar."Ooh it's the good kind too" Howard admires taking out a bottle of scotch. Tony stands up too, but to Howards and other's surprise he doesn't bend down to get an alcoholic drink instead he reaches in the mini fridge to get bananas, blueberries and some spinach throws it in the blender and pours it in a cup. When he turns back around many are staring at him. "What?" he asks taking a sip "what's with the smoothie" Howard asks slightly confused having gotten the impression that his son was like him and liked a good glass of alcohol. "Well i don't really drink much alcohol anymore, I already have everything I want in life, a woman whom I adore and a daughter that I would give the world for, I don't really see much point in pouring out my feelings in alcohol anymore, and it's pretty good--" Tony shrugged taking another sip of him smoothie "--besides I don't want to be a bad influence on Morgan" Tony adds with a not to subtle hint to his wrongly influenced childhood causing Howard to look down in shame guessing what Tony was hinting at. "You have a wife and daughter?" Jarvis asked in amazement and trying to relieve some of the tension in the room. 

"yeah" Tony smiled, he took out his phone and scrolled. "here they are" he pressed a button and the image was projected so all could see. It was a live photo of Pepper in the maternity ward holding newborn Morgan as Tony stood slightly behind her with his arm around Pepper and looking down at both his girls with the biggest look of adoration and happiness. Then he swipes right and Tony is seen kneeling down in his iron man suit to Morgans level without his head piece on with his arm stretched forward palm out as Morgan stands next to him wearing a prototype ironman glove doing the same pose as her dad both smiling at the camera. The last picture is the cutest, of the Stark-Potts family standing by the lake, Morgan in the middle of her parents leaning on Tony, they all are smiling but the one thing everyone noticed was Tony, He looked the most carefree, loving, normal and happy they have ever seen him as he smiled the biggest smile they thought was even possible for the billionaire.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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