Teamwork Part 2

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_Thank you for everyone's comments. I present to you TeamWork Part 2_ enjoy


"Previously on Agents and Avengers watch" Coulson.

Skye, FitzSimmons, Ward, and May are trapped in the cargo of the BUS. Camilla Reyes Commandante of the Peruvian military has infiltrated the BUS and has Coulson and the team all tied up. The Team doesn't really agree on anything but when they get a common enemy will they put their differences aside and work together to save each other and Coulson?"


Camilla is talking to Coulson who is tied up to a pole "was it 11 years ago, now? You swooped in with S.H.I.E.L.D with so much confidence so much mystery, you had 100 men at your disposal and now --" She retold "a hand-picked team and, yes, they're that good" Coulson finished

"Haha! like hell, they are" Clint laughed agreeing with Coulson.

"oh, Phil. you're not even aware of your renewed idealism, your collectibles your airborne man cave, surrounding yourself with young, attractive agents --" "you're having a mid-life crisis" she taps his leg in fake pity

"More like afterlife" Steve muttered not completely over the fact that Coulson was alive

"more an afterlife thing, really" he corrects "and I'm not going to mention the Red Corvette" she states looking back at him

"Her Name is Lola" Natasha and Clint growl not liking this woman one bit

" Her name's Lola" he correct and she laughs "of course it is, it's textbook" she laughed "you build this team so you can feel relevant, to feel needed" she starts and Coulson "they don't need me, they need time" Coulson explains "well, time is not on their side" she denied "no, but you gave them something better-- a common enemy" he spoke, confident in his team.

Steve laughs "does this remind anyone of something?" he asked it reminding him of the Loki incident "Yep" "Oh My God yeah" "She is so getting her *** kicked" Nat laughed.

"Okay, we're sure, right? everyone's sure?" Skye asked everyone "we're all on board" Simmons replied as Fitz said "yeah, let's do this fast" and Ward finished "no turning back, no freezing up" and Fitz then continued "because if we do then...." he was interrupted "all of us die" Ward finished his sentence "we know" Simmons nods "All right" Ward shook his head.

"It's cute their all finishing each other's sentences" Carol laughed

Behind them, an engine revs and they all turn around to see May poking out of the SUV " you guys talk a lot"

Natasha laughed "May is like Ms. Black Widow other there but Natashalie is more a softy" Tony muttered to Bruce but Natasha heard and flicked him on the head. "Ow, what the heck was that for?" he asked but just received a glare.

she stated, getting in and closing the door as they all move out of the way and she runs the car into the lab doors completely destroying them but giving them access to the lab.

"Well that's one way to do it" Rocket laughed

The Plane shook and Coulson's team gets in the lab. Some soldiers are about to go down to inspect it but Camilla stops them "no, no, no! Es exactamente lo que quieren (It's exactly what they want)" she explains in Spanish. In the lab, Simmons is drilling open the vent as Fitz opens the case with the dwarfs in them

"Sweet drone" Howard whistled

and Skye and Ward are looking for the ropes to tie them together as May is on the lookout.

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