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I stared into the mirror, my eyes scanning my appearance while my stomach churned with anxiety. Tonight was my first real date - ever. I'd never been on one because the guys that ask me are gross and none of the guys I liked in high school ever liked me. That is except for one, but I always thought it was just a pity date so I didn't go. Apparently it wasn't a pity date though because over a year later, he still wants to go on that date.

I looked over my outfit for the fiftieth time, making sure it was perfect. I had on black skinny jeans, black pleather high heel booties, and a loose purple tank top with a pleather jacket over my shoulders. I had gold eye shadow and nude pink lipstick on as makeup - of course I also had on foundation and bronzer and all that but damn, my eyes look good - and my blonde locks were curled to perfection. I usually don't feel the need to impress boys but Calum made me nervous, I felt like I had to be perfect around him.

I took a quick picture in the mirror, sending it to my best friend, Rhiannon, who went to college in Boston. She went to Emerson to study poetry and creative writing. I added a caption asking her to wish me luck and quickly locked my phone before walking out the door and towards what could be either the best or worst decision I've ever made.


It's been exactly 46 minutes since I arrived to the bar Calum and I had planned to meet at and he still wasn't here. I told myself that if he didn't show up in the next few minutes, I would leave. I was nearly fuming and may have had one too many shots of tequila while waiting for him. This was quite a low-key bar so the bartender didn't even bother wasting his time carding me. Though his worried stares that were sent in my direction indicated that he wasn't sure if he made the best decision by letting me drink so much. I was swaying softly to the music playing and sloppily sent drunk texts to Rhiannon.

A few moments later, I decided enough was enough and stormed out of the bar - more like stumbled. I only lived down the street so I didn't need to get a cab. As I tried my hardest to walk in a straight line and make sure I didn't collapse to the ground, people around me laughed at me. Their laughter just fueled my anger and I was so close to snapping. That is, until someone walked straight into me.

"What the fuck?" I screamed at the stranger.

"I'm so sorry - wait... Emma?" the stranger replied.

I looked up, trying to focus on his face. Once my eyes could focus, I nearly attacked him. It was Calum.

"You stood me up, you asshole!" I slurred, pushing his chest.

"I didn't mean to! I lost track of time! I'm so sorry, Emma."

"Yeah whatever," I scoffed, waking past him.

"Wait, where are you going?" he asked, grabbing my arm.

"Back to my dorm, idiot."

"Are you drunk?" he pulled me back to him to look into my eyes.

"That's none of your business," I mumbled.

"I'm not gonna just leave you alone," he followed after me as I started to walk away.

I was about to argue back before I felt my stomach turn and saliva rush to my mouth. I ran over to a trash can and emptied the alcohol in my stomach back up through my mouth. Calum rushed over to me, holding my hair back and resting his cold hands on my forehead. I couldn't remember much of that because I was nearly fainting. I just remember leaning all of my body weight onto Calum as he wrapped his arm around me. He asked where my dorm was and I mumbled the address to him. He somehow dragged me there and I told him which dorm mine was. I think I told him to leave but he insisted that he stay.

Calum rested me on my bed and brushed my hair out of my face. He said something about seeing me tomorrow and started walking towards the door. I don't know what made me do it but I reached out, grabbing his hand. He turned around, a look of surprise on his face. I simply pulled him towards me, my hands finding his forearms.

"Please don't leave me alone," I whispered, "Stay the night. My roommate isn't coming home tonight."

Calum smirked down at me before leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"Okay, I guess," he winked, "go get changed and brush your teeth, I'll make some tea for us."

I smiled and got up, showing him where the tea and cups were. I grabbed random pajamas and quickly changed and washed up in the bathroom. When I walked out, Calum was sitting on my bed, already under the covers, with two cups of green tea in his hands.

I shyly got under the covers with him and took a tea cup, thanking him quietly. I was still quite drunk but throwing up and washing made me feel a bit better. Whenever I drank, I either became extremely violent or very sexual. I was starting to feel the sexual side of me come out as I sat so close to this gorgeous boy.

"So... What distracted you so much that you ended up being late to our date?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"Well, I was writing a poem and I guess I just got caught up in it all."

"Oh. What was it about?"

"I'll read it to you someday when it's done," he smirked, looking down at his cup.

"Are you sure it wasn't just an excuse to avoid our pity date?"

"What do you mean, 'pity date'?"

"I know you just asked me out because you feel bad. That's why you asked me last year too," I muttered, looking down at my hands.

"What? No! Emma, I actually really like you. Goddammit, the poem I was writing was for you. I genuinely like you," he pulled my face to look at his.

Listening to his sweet words and looking at his full, plump lips made my insides tingle and my sexual attraction towards him skyrocket. Before I knew it, my hand found its way to the back of his head. I pulled him towards me and as our lips brushed, I felt something I'd never felt for any man before, butterflies. As we turned into a mess of bodies and lips embracing, the butterflies erupted in my stomach.

The tea cups were set aside and I was on top of Calum. His lips tasted so sweet; like spearmint and tea. As his hands rested on my hips, mine rested on his face. I felt his slight scruff along his jaw and ran my hands through his ebony curls.

Inside my body was a firework show until Calum pulled away from me, looking in my eyes.

"What?" I asked, out of breath.

"We need to stop. I can't take advantage of you while your drunk."

The butterflies in my stomach died and I grew hurt and pissed off. I was embarrassed to be rejected by him.

"Fine. Whatever," I rolled my eyes and laid down, turning away from him.

He sighed loudly before lying next to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Please don't be mad. You'll understand my reasoning in the morning," Calum whispered in my ear before kissing my temple.

I wanted so badly to cuddle him back but my pride prevented me from giving in so easily. So I dramatically huffed before falling asleep, secretly enjoying the way Calum nuzzled his face in my neck.

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