Black Cat

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It was raining out, Adrien was transformed into Chat Noir, on his daily patrol and of course Ladybug never showed up.

Chat Noir sighed, dangling his feet off the roof of a building.
He spots a girl with black hair and blue eyes, Marinette.
He couldn't help but feel bad for her as she was sitting on a bench alone in the rain.
He made his way over and put the umbrella over Marinette's head.

Marinette looked startled as she saw the black cat standing over her.
She waves politely at him and motions him to sit next to her.
Adriens never actually encountered her being friendly toward him, but of course he was the one always impolite towards her.

"What are you doing out in the rain by yourself?" Chat Noir asks bluntly.
Marinette stays silent.
He sighs, "Typical."
Marinette turns her head slightly towards him, looking confused.
"Just .. go home, don't sit out here in the cold. You could get sick" He stands up and leaves.


Marinette was dreading school, all she could think about was the stupid project that Miss Bustier assigned.

Marinette walks into the classroom and sits next to Alya.
She glances up front of her to see Adrien talking to one of her classmates.
She cant help but notice the way he talks to other people, his smile looked genuine while talking to others.

Marinette sighs

"See Alya? Hes only a jerk towards me!"
Alya glances over at Adrien.
"Marinette it's time for you to stick up for yourself! Be confident towards him, show him whos boss!" Alya nudges her.

The class gets into their pairs and they all head out of the school to go to their second location of the week.

Marinette takes a deep breath as her and Adrien walk to their location.
She looks down most if the walk.
"I saw you sitting alone in the rain yesterday"
Adrien said bluntly, breaking the silence between them.
Marinette nods then shrugs.
Adrien starts to get impatient at the silent treatment she's giving.
"What's your problem?!" he bursts.

"My problem?!" she looks frightened but agitated.
"You wanna know my problem Adrien?! My fucking problem is you!" she shouts.
Adrien stands there dumbfounded.
Marinette's eyes turn wet
"I don't get it Adrien, your kind to literally everyone but ME."
Adrien puts his hand on his neck unable to form words.

Did I seriously make this girl cry? What the hell is wrong with me? Shes right..
Adriens mind repeats these sentences over and over.

Alya spots Adrien and Marinette and walks over. She notices Marinette looking as if she was going to cry.
Alya glares at Adrien and hugs Marinette
"Girl what happened?" she whispers.


Adrien, transformed ad Chat Noir sits on a bench outside, looking up at the stars.
He sees Marinette looking distressed on her balcony.
Chat Noir leapt onto her balcony.
"Hello" he says in a hushed, friendly voice.
"Chat Noir?" Marinette uttered.
He brings out a forced smile, trying to be polite towards her for once.
"Um.. are you okay?" Chat questions.
Marinette nods and sighs slightly.
"Have you ever had someone make it so obvious towards you that they hated you?"

Chat looks down at his feet and shrugs.
"I made someone feel that way" he muttered bitterly.
Marinette stood in silence for a few minutes then crawls back into her room.
"Bye Chat."

He stays sitting outside on her balcony for a few seconds, then lept away on his stick back to his house.


The next day was basically just a loop of the previous day except this was the last they were forced to go someplace together before making the collage.
The both kept a straight face as they took their last picture in front of the location.

Adrien was sick of being forced to hang out with his enemy and couldn't make it more obvious.
Adrien had seen the blue eyed girl more than enough times this week.

They start walking back towards the school.
This project was supposed to help people become friends but it had just made the situation between Adrien and Marinette a whole lot worse.
They couldn't stand seeing eachother any longer.

Miss Bustier claps her hands.
"Tonight everyone with their partners, will have to work on their colleges together to present to the class tomorrow" she announces.
"Don't forget tomorrow after school we have the ball! Don't forget to dress up and bring a date with you!" she smiles.

Marinette groans at Alya
"You've got to be shitting me. I'll never find a date that quickly, Id rather not go honestly."
Alya puts her hand on Marinette's back.
"Its okay girl! you don't NEED a date. You always have your best friend to rely on! You could even ask Adriennn" she grins.

Marinette has no clue why she ships her and Adrien so much when they can barely even look eachother in the eye.

Marinette shakes her head and crosses her arms "No way am I going to the ball with Agreste." she says loud enough for Adrien, who sits in front of her to hear.
Adrien tilts his head back slightly, making eye contact with Marinette.
She gives an evil smirk and looks back to the front.
Alya grins at Marinette
"Ill make it happen weather you want it or not!"

Adrien spun in Marinette's chair while she did all the work.
"I fucking hate you Marinette" He blurts.
Marinette looks up at him "I never would have guessed" she said sarcastically.
"Great, the feeling is mutual. Lets go to the ball together tomorrow evening." he said confidently.
Marinette looked stunned.

Adrien had only asked her because Alya had just finished threatening him on how he "needs" to take Marinette to the ball.

"Are you fucking serous Adrien? Why the hell would I go the ball with you?!"
Adrien shrugs
"You seemed desperate for a date, plus its only pretend, I need a date as well."
Marinette sighs
"I guess .. ill um .. go with you" she stammers while glancing up at Adrien.

He always had this smug face while talking to Marinette.
It was as if he thought he was so much better than her, it made her annoyed quickly.

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