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                 A/N mature content ahead
"Luka, what the fuck wrong with me?!" Marinette complains.

They were standing outside the school waiting for the doors to unlock.

Luka laughs slightly "Nothings wrong with you Marinette, you cant help yourself."
"I can't believe I might be in love with that .. that blonde!" she groans.

"If it helps, I think he might have a thing for you too" Luka adds.
"I mean why else would he randomly want to be friends with you after torturing you all these years?"

Marinette's eyes widen "You think?.." she asks.
Luka nods while smiling. "It only makes sense, he seems jealous of me too, because you and I are friends." He concludes.

Adrien arrives at school, stepping out if his limo spotting Marinette talking to Luka right away.
"Why is she always talking to that boy!" Adrien mutters, looking down Plagg, annoyed.
Plagg shrugs "I couldn't care less, the only one I love is my cheese!"

Adrien rolls his eyes and starts to walk towards the both of them.

He gives a small wave and places his arm, quickly around Marinette's waist.
Her face turns a bright red as his face becomes close to hers as Adrien lifts up her chin.
"May I?" He asks, smirking.
"M-May you what?.." she stammers.

Luka grins and walks away as Adrien softly places his lips onto Marinette's.
Marinette's eyes widen as she stands in place, unable to move.

"Are you okay Marinette?" He asks looking at her with a smirk.

Marinette nods slightly, walking away towards Alya trying to stay calm.

Alya stands in place with her jaw dropped, she had just witnessed all of it. "WHOLY SHIT, GIRL!!" Alya exclaims.

Marinette fans her stiff, blushing face trying to calm down. "What the fuck was that!?" She questions to herself and Alya.
Alya jumps excitedly as the school doors open.

Marinette walks into class with Alya beside her and places her things on her desk, her face still a deep shade of red.
She watches Adrien amble into the classroom, taking his seat in front of her as if nothing just happened.

Alya and Marinette both side eye eachother.
"Get into your groups everyone! Meet back here before the end of class!" Miss Bustier announces.

The group of five walk to the cafeteria like the previous day, in silence.
"We should start rehearsing our rolls" Alya utters, breaking the silence as usual.
She hands everyone their scripts and they start to act out their rolls together.

It soon became time for the kissing scene which Marinette was dreading the most. She didn't know how to act with Adrien after this morning.
Adrien gives her a knowing smirk as he leans close to her.

Marinette shuts her eyes immediately, waiting for the kiss to get over with. She waits but feels absolutely nothing. She opens her eyes to see Adrien half laughing at her.
"You really thought I'd kiss you? We're just rehearsing" he says cockily.

Marinette's face turns red in embarrassment as she glances at Alya, who is already glaring at Adrien.

"You already kissed her this morning, but you cant kiss her now?!" Alya barks.
Adrien gives a frightened look, he didn't expect Alya to get angry with him.

Adrien raises his hands slightly like he did nothing wrong. "The kiss meant nothing! I was trying to make Luka jealous!" He admits and quickly covers his mouth.
Why the fuck did I just say that?! He thought to himself.

Alya folds her arms looking even more pissed than she already was.
Adrien kissed her best friend just to make Luka jealous?!
"You little shit!" she screams at Adrien .
Luka stands in place awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

Alya quickly slaps Adrien across his face and pulls Marinette by the arm.
Adrien put his hand up to his jaw where Alya had slapped him, feeling the pain.
"Fuck!" Adrien groans.


'Im so sorry Marinette, please meet me at the park.' Adrien texts to Marinette, trying to apologize about earlier.

'Fine.' Marinette replies back.

Adrien sits on the same bench as the last time, waiting for Marinette to arrive.
Moments later he felt Marinette's presence as she sat down silently next to him.

"Marinette I'm sorry."
"Sorry just wont cut it Adrien, that's disgusting what you did!" Marinette shouts.
Adrien gives a nasty look towards her, not liking that she was screaming at him in public.
"Why the fuck are you so mad? Its not like we're even together! It was a fucking kiss!" He shouts back bitterly.

Marinette gives a sigh "Can we not do this here?" she implies.

Adrien nods, still looking angry as he follows her.
They make their way to Marinette's house instead for more privacy.

"Hi honey, would you like anything to eat?" Marinette's mom asks innocently.
"Not. now. mom."
She leads Adrien to her room and shuts the door harshly.

Adrien makes himself at home, sitting on the pink chair in front of him.
"Continue" he says calmly, looking up at Marinette as shes giving him an angry pout.

Adrien can't help but laugh slightly at her adorable pout.

Marinette folds her arms "Whats funny now?" she snaps.

Adrien shrugs giving her a grin while standing up. "Are you not gonna finish lecturing me?" He whispers to her. Marinette looks away slightly with a unsure face.

Adrien lifts her chin towards him while giving her a smirk.

Marinette cant help but blush as she stares into his pure green eyes.

He runs his fingers down Marinette's back, making her shiver slightly. He then gently places his lips onto hers. Marinette leans closer towards him, causing the kiss to become more passionate.

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