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Really short only because its the end and im running out of ideas for the story </3

Marinette woke up to the sound of birds chirping
outside her window, the sun was shining happily through the windows.

She could feel Adriens presence laying beside her, his hair was messy as hell but it looked cute.
Marinette looked at her clock and quickly, realizing that they were at least two hours late for school.

She quickly shook Adrien awake.
"Adrien wake the fuck up!" she yapped at him.
"Were late for school, damn it!"

Adrien quickly shot up and put his hoodie back on from the previous day and combed his chaotic hair with his fingers.

Marinette changed into some shorts and put her hair into a quick ponytail and rushed out of the bakery.

Their classmates gave them weird stares as they walked into class together.

"Care to explain?" Alya whispers as Marinette sits down beside her.

"What? Explain what?? Theres nothing to explain!" Marinette answered, looking flustered.
Alya raised a brow, "So it just so happens you and Adrien walk into school late together, while Adrien is wearing the exact same outfit as yesterday?"

Marinette gives an awkward laugh as Alya comes to a realization. Alyas eyes widen "Did you guys sleep together?"

"Noo, no! Of course not!.."

Adrien turns around in his seat and gives a grin.
"We should work on our skit, shouldn't we?"
Alya gives a knowing look towards the blonde as the group heads toward the cafeteria.

"Okay guys! We better hustle, today is our last day to practice this skit before preforming to the class!" Alya announced.

Adriens eyes wander over to Marinette, who was standing across from him. She was wearing a red crew neck with black shorts. It reminded him of Ladybug. "Cat caught your tongue?" Marinette asks teasingly.

Adriens eyes quickly dart around to the group members staring at him with knowing looks spread on all of their faces.

He then looks back at Marinette, who was still grinning up at him. "We should rehearse?" Adrien managed to choke out, breaking the silence.


It was the day of the skit and Marinette was running late for school, as always.

"Marinette don't forget to eat!" her dad hollered, handing her a fresh croissant as she ran out of the bakery.

She arrived at school just in time before the last bell rang. Marinette shoved her things beside her desk, sitting down next to her best friend.

"Almost thought you weren't gonna make it" a voice said from in front of her. Adrien turned to grin at Marinette, then turned away.

"Alright class!" Miss Bustier exclaims, clapping her hands. "We're gonna start skits shortly, get prepared!"

Alya takes out a few props from her backpack to be used during their skit. "Looks like we're ready" Alya whispers while grinning at Marinette.

"Do you guys want to volunteer to go first?" Miss Bustier asks Alya. "Of course!" Alya grinned.
Marinette's face becomes pale in fear as they walk to the front of the room.

"You got a bit of stage fright?" Adrien teased.
"Of course not, just not feeling well."
"Well don't throw up on me during the kiss" Adrien winked while Marinette gave a angry pout.

The class cheered as they preformed for them. The kissing scene was coming up and Marinette felt more nervous than ever before. She didn't know why? She had kissed him before, this should be no different. Shit, they fucked!

Adrien lifted her chin, still in character as he spoke his script. "But wouldn't the princess like a kiss from her Knight in shining armor before he goes?"

Marinette's heart was racing, she almost forgot what her lines were. "N-no I couldn't! Im supposed to get arranged a Marriage .. from a real prince!"

"But thats not what you want, is it my love?"
Adrien smirks and leans close. "May I?" He nearly whispered that line.

Next thing she knew they were kissing, more passionately than expected. They could hear gasping from the rest of the classmates, and Chloe throwing her usual tantrum. "Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous!" She shouted.

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