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"Peppermint for the boys pure green eyes, with a top of blackberry for her midnight hair!"
André hands Adrien his and Marinette's ice cream to share.
Adrien lead Marinette to sit on the bridge, over the lake.
Marinette ate in silence, unsure about the change in Adriens attitude towards her.
Adrien swings his feet over the ledge looking a bit relaxed.

The sun started to set as they finish the ice cream.

"I should start heading home before my father sends my bodyguard to come looking for me"
Adrien states, looking toward Marinette.
She nods and stands up.
"Bye Marinette."
"B-Bye.. S-see you... later.."
She stammers as Adrien starts to walk away.

Marinette looks down at Tiki.
"What the fuck just happened!?" she exclaims.
Tiki grins up at Marinette "I think Adrien might have some feelings for you!"
Marinette shakes her head in disgust. "No fucking way, we hate each other!" she replies half laughing.


Marinette walks into school cafeteria, it was now Valentines day and she felt more alone than ever.
Normally she didn't feel deserted in this school full of people but today she did.
Everyone was either dating or "talking" to someone.
The only person she saw alone, sitting at a table was Adrien.
He was wearing a light red hoodie with gray sweatpants underneath.
His hair was a bit messy, which made him look good.

Adrien, head down on the table was sitting at school on the day he hated the most.
He glanced up to see a pair of blue eyes looking down at him.
He sits up and gives Marinette a slight glare.
"If you're here to make fun of me I'm outta here."
Marinette tilts her head in confusion.
"Make fun of you?"
Adrien looks around the room, watching people with their significant others.
He puts his head back down as Marinette sits down on one of the seats next to him.

Marinette scanned the room trying to spot Alya.
Alya was standing across the room being all 'lovey dovey' toward Nino.
Marinette giggles a little then sighs.
"Whats funny?" Adrien says in a annoyed tone.
Marinette rolls her eyes. "Whats your problem? Lighten up a little."
Adrien sits up and gives her a heated look.
"You wouldn't understand Marinette! You make life seem so "sunshine and rainbows" but its really fucking not."
He folds his arms violently.
"Valentines day is so fucking irritating, just like you! Its full of ignorant people that get rejected."

Marinette looks at him slightly confused.
"Did someone reject you?" she asks.
Adrien shakes his head.
" ..  just forget it."
Marinette shrugs and plugs her headphones into her phone.

Miss Bustier claps her hands.
"Happy Valentines day everyone!" she exclaims.
Adrien gives a slight groan, rolling his eyes.
Alya turns to Marinette "You should ask Adrien to be your Valentine" she smirks.
Marinette shakes her head with a displeased face.
"Adrien? My Valentine?"
Adrien turns his head to face the both of them,
"Ill pass."
Marinette rolled her eyes "I wasn't asking you, genius."
Adrien gives a malicious smirk and looks back towards the front.

Marinette stares into the back of his messy hair without realizing.
Why did he look so good today?..  Marinette thought to herself.
Adrien could feel her eyes glued on him.
"Its rude to stare, Marinette" he turns around slightly to side eye her.
"W-what?" she utters, looking flustered.
Alya turns to Marinette and grins.
Marinette waves her hands in front of her
"I wasn't staring, I swear!"
Adrien gives a smug look and stares at Marinette.
Marinette looks down blushing slightly.
"See, don't like it when I stare at you" Adrien stated.

Miss Bustier side eyes the two of them and Adrien turns back toward the front.
"Now that I have everyone's attention,"
Miss Bustier announces, "We have a new student joining us!"
Luka walks into the class, standing beside Miss Bustier.
Marinette gives an exited look and smiles at Luka, giving him a small wave.
"Luka you can sit in the back, sense that is the only open seat available!" she points.
Luka nods, and grins at Marinette as he walks past her.

Adrien glares at Luka slightly.
Adrien normally didn't have a problem with Luka so why did he now?
He didn't like the way he looked at Marinette, but he couldn't figure out why.
He looks down with a miffed expression across his face.


Sorry i havent been updating ive been busy with end of the school year tests ill try to update more chapters this weekend!!

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