2. Strange Foreigner

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It was the start of a brand new year at Seirin Private High School. From basketball training to winning the Winter Cup and beating the generation of miracles, Kuroko felt that a lot had unfolded in the span of a year of his life.

Walking through the school gates and entering the classroom, he wore a small unnoticeable grin on his pale face. He was eagerly looking forward to what this year of basketball would bring.

Clutching his latest light novel in his hand, the boy quietly made his way around the group of students standing in front of the classroom and chose his usual corner seat at the back of the class. Seeing as Kagami had yet to arrive, he could only presume the boy either woke up late or was caught by Riko at the entrance and forced to hand out fliers.

Just imagining the look of annoyance plastered on Kagami's grumpy face amused the phantom teen. Knowing Kagami, he'd be far too afraid to even think of running away from Riko given the girl's gorilla-like strength.

Kuroko's thoughts were quickly proven to be true when the said boy walked into the classroom shortly after grumbling some incoherent words to himself.

Not noticing Kuroko's presence, Kagami in all his six-foot glory plonked himself directly in front of Kuroko's and proceeded to slump onto the desk while muttering something about how girls were scary creatures.

Kuroko, seeing as the redhead in front of him showed no signs of noticing, took it upon himself to greet the teen.

"Good morning Kagami-kun," said the ever-polite yet mischievous boy.

Unsurprisingly, Kagami let out a loud yelp that attracted the attention of the class. Course, they soon turned away after seeing it was Kagami who made the sound. After getting to know the basketball star last year, they knew all too well that Kuroko probably scared the living daylights out of him again.

Kagami swiveled around in his seat and glared at the innocent-faced Kuroko.

"Dammit Kuroko! Why do you do that?!"

Kuroko tilted his head in 'confusion'.

"Do what Kagami-kun? I only greeted you since you didn't seem to notice me when you came in."

Kagami clicked his tongue. Kuroko was still the same little shit he was last year.

"You're teasing me aren't you? Damn you and your invisibility."

Kuroko was lucky not to be caught by Riko. Actually, maybe it was better that Kuroko didn't hand out fliers. He might've scared away any potential players.

"I think your face is far scarier to the freshmen," Kuroko retorted hearing Kagami's mutter.

Offended, Kagami reached out roughly to tousle Kuroko's soft-blue hair leaving it a mess.

The two chatted for a bit until the bell rang signaling the start of class. The homeroom teacher walked in and told the class to settle down. As the class quietened down, she began speaking.

"Good morning everyone. Before I begin briefing on this week's announcements, I'd like to introduce you all to a new student starting with us this year. Henituse-kun, you may come in."

Almost immediately, the foreign name attracted the attention of most of the class. Kagami raised an interested eyebrow but otherwise showed no notion of caring. Kuroko wore a blank face as usual. However, neither boy could keep a fully straight face the moment the new student entered the classroom.

Scratch that. No one could keep a straight face.

As soon as Cale stepped through the doors of class 2-B, the room descended into utter silence as the students stared in awe at the inexplicably handsome yet beautiful boy. Pale, porcelain skin that had not a single flaw, vibrant red hair that was bunched in a messy yet endearing bun, sharp yet elegant facial features, and a slender build.

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