3. On my deathbed?

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It wasn't long before a week passed marking the first period of Cale's vacation in the modern world Japan. And, if he had to say, he was having a wonderful time. He was living a trouble-free slacker life. Schoolwork and homework weren't an issue since his brain was able to record anything (then again, the guy was over thirty-years-old) so it wasn't really considered a surprise that he found academics to be a breeze.

As for his social life...it could've been worse.

He made it quite adamant with his cold exterior that he wasn't willing to be friendly with anyone, though he wasn't rude, and he kept his guard up most of the time. His appearance and foreignness still attracted much-unwanted attention but Cale learned to bear it. Therefore, he became somewhat of an unreachable flower at the top of a cold snowy peak that can be admired but never plucked.

Unfortunately for the Young Master, his days of peace soon came to an abrupt end the day he was called to the office.

"Henituse-kun, now that you've settled into class, you should look into joining a club. It's a requirement that every student join at least one club or take up a position in the Student Council. The purpose is to get students interested in other activities instead of solely focusing on academics..."

As the female homeroom teacher ranted, Cale stood bored in front of the desk. Despite his blank exterior, inwardly, he was sobbing.

'Aigoo...my slacker life~'

"...-Henituse-kun? Do you understand?"

"Yes sensei," Cale smiled politely. He wanted nothing more than to turn invisible and sink into the wall. Who cares about extra activities?! Slacking off is the true meaning of life!

"Ara, sensei is talking about joining a club?"

A new voice chimed in and Cale looked up to see a young male teacher walking toward them. The teacher smiled at Cale and said, "What a coincidence. I hear the basketball team is looking for a manager. After their victory in the Winter Cup last year, the team's entries have expanded and Aida-san is in her third year. She'll be focusing more on her university entry exams so to lessen the workload on her, they've begun trying to recruit a manager."

Cale's face blanched.

"Won't they prefer a girl though? I thought the girls would be itching to get that position," the homeroom teacher said.

The young male teacher chuckled awkwardly, "Apparently many girls are afraid of the team's ace. He's pretty intimidating and hot-headed."

'That Kagami-kun...' sighed the Class 2-B homeroom teacher. But her eyes soon lit up when she turned to Cale.

Cale suddenly felt an ominous foreboding.

'Ah, f***.'


Cale wanted to curse out loud but refrained from doing so not wanting to score detention in his first week of school if he was heard by a teacher. Lazily adjusting his school bag on his shoulder, the boy checked the school map before heading in the direction of the gym.

If you haven't figured it out by now, the young master was regretfully unable to refuse the job of being the manager of the school's basketball team.

Cale prayed. He prayed that his job won't require him to do much.

Furrowing his eyebrows, he opened the gym door to the sound of shouting.

"...-if you can't handle it then leave! This team doesn't accept half-assed effort!"

'How energetic.'

Cale's eyes landed on a small brunette girl wearing the Seirin girl's uniform and pointing in the direction of a group of guys. Instantly, he knew she was the famous student coach of the basketball team. Her small figure was a large mismatch to the sweaty macho-slash-boyish atmosphere around her.

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