6. Touou

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Cale did not have a good sleep that night. In the morning, he woke up feeling groggy and his eyes bore dark bags beneath them. He kept having dreams of the war and they wouldn't exit his mind thanks to his record ability. He didn't know why he was having such dreams all of a sudden since he hadn't had any ever since he came to this world.

After lazily hauling himself from his warm bed, he made himself a cup of coffee (something he wasn't allowed to drink due to a certain butler's monitoring and blasted lemon tea) before taking a seat on his desk chair and opening his laptop.

He wanted to watch some of Touou's videos he hadn't watched before to make sure he didn't miss a thing. Though he did this, Cale still insisted in his mind that he was not going to help Seirin. This was merely curiosity.

Anyone who knew him would say otherwise.

His stomach grumbled a bit so he fetched himself a toast with jam smothered on top. It wasn't a healthy breakfast but Cale was too lazy to make himself anything proper. No one was here to monitor him so he considered this an act of freedom.

His toast was eaten fairly quickly and he sipped his coffee while keeping his eyes trained on the screen. Once his 'review' was over, he decided it was time for school. When he lifted up his empty mug, the handle suddenly broke.

"Hmm? Odd, this was a new mug..."

Cale picked up his mug and examined it for a bit before shrugging and dumping it in the trash. His mind however suddenly remembered a well-known superstition and he frowned.

"Tsk, why must I remember that now?"

He was certain he was overthinking things and the broken mug handle DID NOT mean something bad was going to happen.

At least that's what he thought.

Because soon after he exited the apartment building, he saw a black cat cross his path.

'Well shit.'


Arriving at Seirin, Cale made his way straight toward the gym. He didn't see any school bus so he knew that Touou had yet to arrive which meant he was early. Upon entering the gym, he came face-to-face with Kagami whose eyes mimicked his.

"Couldn't sleep again?" Cale's lips quirked up in amusement.

Kagami scowled and retorted, "I could say the same for you."

"True but I didn't stay up like an excited five-year-old," Cale snorted. He made his way over to the nearby bench and dumped his bag.

Kagami followed behind him after getting a drink from the vending machine. Hearing Cale's words, the redhead's eye twitched in annoyance, "It's not my fault! I can't help it!"

"And that is what makes you a five-year-old."

"Damn you..." Kagami huffed. "I swear you're just as irritating as Kuroko."

"You called for me?"

Unsurprisingly, Kuroko's sudden appearance launched Kagami a few feet in the air with an added yelp.

"Motherf**ker Kuroko! Why the hell do you keep doing that?!"

Cale was rather unfazed as he'd long seen the boy walking toward them.

Kuroko, the little shit, had the audacity to tilt his head and say, "Doing what Kagami-kun?"

Watching the exchange, Cale snickered, 'That guy's a total sadist.'

"Touou should be arriving any minute now," the voice of another team member, Koganei, joined in the conversation. The cat-faced teen let out a loud yawn and elbowed his silent friend, "Ne, you feeling excited for the practice match."

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