7. Meet the Cale Fanatic

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A/N: Thanks to a certain comment for reminding me, I will now address Cale-nim as Cale-sama since they are talking in Japanese.


Cale felt many emotions.

Annoyance, anger (at a certain God), more annoyance, exasperation, frustration, and self-pity.

Was he really that bad of a person? Just how many sins did he commit to having bad luck follow him everywhere he went.

"Clopeh," Cale had never sighed longer. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he asked, "What on earth are you doing here?"

Cale was doing his best to ignore the jaw-dropped expressions of the surrounding populace. It wasn't helping the situation at all that Clopeh was down on his knees near bowing in worship of his proclaimed 'God'.

Seirin was flabbergasted. Touou was flabbergasted. Everyone was fucking flabbergasted.

Touou more so because they weren't sure if this crazy guy was the same cold intimidating teammate they'd known for a few months already. Wakamatsu was one step away from throwing a fit. At the same time, however, everyone became curious about Cale's identity.

To make the serious and noble-like Clopeh physically bow his head in reverence, just who the flying duck was Cale Henituse?!

"You..are familiar with each other?" Riko's eyes darted between the two awkwardly. She, like everyone else, was completely clueless about what was unfolding before their eyes.

Cale held back another sigh and answered, "Something like that."

On the other hand, Clopeh intercepted and said, "Of course! Cale-sama is my God! He's a legend! He is my-"

"Shut up Clopeh," Cale hissed unwilling to let this bozo cause any more trouble. "Get up, will you? And stop acting like that."

"As my lord wishes," Clopeh stood up from the ground and bowed. His face was twitching from excitement from being in close proximity with his dear god. He wanted so desperately to closer but restrained himself.

"Okay, hold the fuck up!" Aomine finally couldn't stay silent any longer and pointed in accusation, "Just what the hell is going on? You guys in a relationship or something?"

"We are," Clopeh nodded solemnly. Before the crowd could gasp, he continued, "He is my God, and I am his loyal servant."

'G-God?! Loyal servant?!'

"Clopeh Sekka," Cale said in a dangerous tone, "I believe I asked you to be quiet."

While he did not have his dominating aura, his leveling gaze was enough to make anyone flinch and shrink in fear. Clopeh gulped and bowed his head, "M-My apologies Cale-sama. This humble servant shall keep his mouth closed."

"Um, did you brainwash him or something?" Kogenai asked with a hint of nervousness.

Cale coughed, "No I didn't..."

'But he was tortured under my order which may or may not have caused him to lose his marbles' is what Cale held back from saying. Torture was illegal here so best not to mention it.

"What on earth is going on here?" Coach Harasawa asked with a frown, "If this has nothing to do with basketball, I suggest you leave it out of the court."

Everyone; 'So he's chosen the ignorant route.'

Yeah. It was best not to question it.

But seriously, who the hell are these two foreigners?!

Cale took this moment to pull Clopeh aside and talk to him quietly. Looking at Clopeh's excited expression, Cale inwardly sighed again.

"You know we're in another world right? You can't act the same way you did back in our world," Cale told his follower seriously. "That means, you can't go around calling me your 'God' and 'legend'."

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