All eyes on me

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I woke up to the sound of the door being opened and sat up quickly, looking up at the guard I watched him enter and unlocked my chains. "Get up!" I did what he said and he began to pull me by the arm...rude motherf-. I breathed calmly not wanting to get myself into more trouble than before.

I was taken back into my room and there was a woman in the center wearing some armor I'd never seen before, her hair was red-orange and her eyes were green. Her skin was spotless and pale with a slight tanness. "May I ask who you are?" I try to say politely as possible. "I am Galatea from Themiscyra. I'm here as your personal guard and escort." No wonder...she's a foreigner...That explains her otherworldly beauty, she's an Amazonian. I read about them once or twice about how strong they were beautiful warriors and how their combat in battle is unrivaled. "So Set has paid you to babysit me." She nodded, I sighed thinking how the heck am I gonna get pass her? She's like a bull on drugs...not that she looks like one but her aura is making my back hair stand up. "Imma go wash up." rubbing my temples of the headache I'm getting from how much planning is gonna be needed, "Very well, I'll company you to the bath." HUH?!? She said it so plainly as if it was nothing. "What?!? Heck no your not! You're staying outside the door!" "I'm afraid I can't do that as it is my job to watch over you. So I can't leave you out of my sight." "Even when I'm sleeping?" She didn't answer, imagining her watching me sleep is a hell no. I grab my towel and robe and started to walk down to the bathing area.

The sound of Galatea's feet made me uneasy every step of the way. I've gotten so many not ok!! I or should say we made it to the bath and I was preparing my things while being stared down by the 6ft woman. "Can you at least turn around so that I may de-robe myself?" She turned around and I began to take everything off while tossing them into a basket near me. The water was warm but not too hot, the feeling of water upon my skin was unwinding and calm, the smell of body oils slithered up my senses and I fully submerged all the way up to my chin. "You're not trying to drown yourself are you?" "AH!" Galatea hovers over me eight inches from my face, "Why are you so close?!?!" "Please don't try to drown yourself, it's pitiful and would get me in trouble." "I wasn't going to!!" 

For hours she had been following me around and it was getting annoying and unsettling, But at least I get to walk around unlike before. I sat outside reading a book feeling the calming breeze till Set saw me and started to walk up to where I was sitting.

"Well well, little mortal I see you're doing well and even grown to like your new...companion." He smirked I stared at him not giving him a word, knowing him, he likes to twist my words. "Got nothing to say little one? Very well. Keep a close watch on them Galatea, their a sneaky little thing." "Yes sir." And with that he left, leaving me I wanted to smack him to the afterlife! "How can you take orders from someone such as Set?" I asked looking upward towards the Amazonian"I have my reasons." "What kind of reasons? Is it family stuff?" "I don't want to talk about it." "Very well have it your way then." I continue reading as hours go by till I finished the book. The sun was about to set so I hurried to my room with Galatea following behind, speed walking towards the door grabbing the handle I quickly said "Ok nice meeting bye!" And slammed the door before she even entered. I slid down the door groaning in exhaustion and in annoyance "Ughhh, today was long...I'm not ready for another one." I dragged my feet and slithered into my bed not caring about changing into my nightwear. 

(In Dream)

Pitch black light, no anything. A figure came into was Galatea. She just standing there. I tried calling her name but it was like she didn't hear me, then I froze. An arrow sticking out of her neck and blood painted the dark floor beneath her "NO!" I yelled searching where the arrow came from and to my surprise a hooded figure covered in smoke with glowing blue eyes. It looked at me readying another arrow, I wanted to run or dodge but my body didn't budge and the arrow flew lighting speed at me and before I knew it everything was white.

(end dream)

I sat up putting my hand over my heart feeling it pound against my palm recovering from what I just witnessed. Seeing that it was morning and I need to hurry and find Galatea, but as I opened the door she was there already. "Good morning, I see you've awoken." "Yes, I have..." "Anyways I'm being put on patrol of the palace today so I won't be joining you today." "Oh, I see." "Have a good day." I watched as she left but then I remembered the vision "Wait!!" Galatea turned to me as I jogged my way to her. "Don't go you'll die!" She raised an eyebrow "Excuse me?" "If you go you'll die by an arrow! So please stay with me for today, I know you might get in trouble but ill explain to Set why you didn't go on patrol." "Would he harm you for disobeying?" "Maybe But he cants kill me since I'm so important to him." "I see, but I'm sorry I'm still going." I stand in front of her "You cant! You'll die." "So?" "....Are you serious?" "Yes now step aside." She pushed me away, but I'm not about to give up on her. I pulled on her cape to stop her from moving away.
"Are you that serious about what you saw?" "Yes!" She sighed "Very well, ill stay for 2 hours then I'm off." Phew "Thank you for understanding." "Mhmm." We walked back to my room and chatted away. "So what is your home like?" "Vast and flourished with all sorts of trees and flowers. That's amazing." "Here it's mostly desert and the sun boils you alive. How can you stand such heat." "Well, I was born here so I guess my body adapted." "How interesting. What of your family?" "We were a simple farm family in a way. My father was a merchant ad a farmer and sold his goods in a shop, while my mom made beads and dresses. I also have an uncle who is a general in a different city." "I see." "What about you?" "I only had a mother, every day was training and education." "So you guys get no breaks?" "Rarely." "Yikes." Galatea nods. We talked for at least 3 hours about our home, interest, favorite foods, childhood games, likes, and dislikes. Best distraction ever.  I was mentally celebrating till Set just barged in without knocking...again. "Galatea I didn't know you were here." "The priest recommended I stay with them due to them being worried for my life as I was in danger." "And what possible danger was that?" "She was about to be killed by an assassin or some kind of archer." "I see, I'll let this pass but next time inform me first before taking action." I mentally rolled my eyes "Oh and Y/n I would like to speak to...privately. If you don't mind,~" I gulped silently "Very well." 

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