New Rules

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I paced back and forth wondering what I'm going to do, he'll come back in an hour. How am I going to tell him 'the future' if I can only do it in my sleep." Think Y/N think!!... An hour is all I need for this to work. I laid down on the and closed my eyes.

Everything was black and couldn't see anything, I waited for a few seconds and nothing happing. I fear that I'll get in trouble and Seth would kill my parents. I started praying for a vision hoping it's something good. Then I felt light descend upon me, I would open my eyes to see fields baren, food scarce, and rivers barely a stream. Drought and famine are about to happen, I spring up to the sound of my door opening and carried to the farthest corner. "Y/n your time is up, what have you seen. And also get out of the corner." Silence; "Now!!" I quickly stood on my feet and slowly came to him but only at arm's length. "Now tell me, what did you see." "There's going to be famine and a drought coming our way." "And when is this?" "I don't know, all I know is it's going to hit this place hard." "Why do I care?" "Because....people would respect you more for saving them from starving to death. And they would be grateful to you and worship you." "Hmph fine, we'll make preparations." Phew, I guess I said the right thing he wanted to hear. I just need a well thought out plan to escape. 

He pulled the chain attached to my neck and drag me with him out the door, "Your tugging way too hard!" "Then keep up I don't have all day." He didn't have to drag me like a dog, Walking through the halls it was silent..barely anyone was in sight. Till one servant came into view and looked like he feared for his life and dropped down on his knees shaking. I feel sorry for the man that he had to bow to this tyrant.

"Where are we going?" "Quiet!" He hissed not even looking at me. We stop in front of a well-designed door, and what was in it shocked me. 'He brought me to a spa?? But why?' I thought till Set's voice boomed off the walls and all the servants came scattering into the room like pets running up to their master. "How may we serve you, my lord." They said in unison, "Turn this peasant into a representable priest/priestess, I'll be waiting." His tone was threatening and shallow as he handed the leash to the head servant. They drag me into a bathing room and started to undress me. "Hey! I can undress myself! Stop!" "Sorry but this is our job." One stated, "If we don't do our job we'll be put into the dungeon or worse executed."The other shuttered. I mean I guess they have a point telling how Set can be when angered, they dumped me into the warm/hot water and started scrubbing...hard. I hurt like they were trying to peel my skin off, "Hey take it easy It hurts!" They ignore me...rude. Now I'm being dragged to a different room, I have never seen so many clothes in my life. "They should wear this one!" "No this! DO you want Set to spite us!" "They could wear this, it's Set's favorite color!" "Girls hush! I have a better idea." The head servant smiled and now I fear for my life. 

(Set POV)

What is taking them so long! I have been waiting for more than 12 mins! They better do their job right or I'll kill them all. "My lord." The maid bowed, "What took so long! I have a schedule to keep!" "Sorry my lord, we wanted to make sure that they are prepared to the highest quality to your standards." "Well don't just stand there bring them out." 

I watched as Y/n walked in, they looked like they were glowing. I feel everything heat up inside me, the desire to have them smothered into my arms is overwhelming, but I have to keep my composure...I'm in front of mortals after all. But my goodness they're gorgeous. 

(these are the outfits you'll be wearing, the first one is male and the 2nd is female)(pls don't come at me if the clothes aren't accurate with the times I don't own them)

(these are the outfits you'll be wearing, the first one is male and the 2nd is female)(pls don't come at me if the clothes aren't accurate with the times I don't own them)

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"Good now let's go

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"Good now let's go." "Still pulling too rough!" "Hush!" I dragged them back into their room. "Stay here till I come to get you," I ordered as I slammed the door if what they said earlier is true then maybe the people will praise me. I should make preparations right away.

Wanted for pleasure *Temporary Hiatus* (Ennead Seth x  genderneutral! reader)Where stories live. Discover now