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Journal entry #1..

Have you ever felt jealousy.. Felt as if someone hates you.. The excuses.. The way they ignore you.. Shut you out.. Well if you have then im not the only one. Im Tommy and my life is a disaster. Let us go to where this started...

~October 26~ 

..............................something happened... between us..  

I was at my apartment and it was raining. I was drinking Coke while sitting on my couch watching Netflix being bored, I recently took a week break off of YouTube, twitch, Twitter shit like that.

I heard a knock on the door.

strange it was like 10pm who would be hear that late.

(Stop why am I picturing Tommy in a robe holding hot coco or coffee but in reality he's just wearing his regular red and white tee and shorts and rainbow socks bc hcs are cool and Tommy would wear rainbow socks)

I got up placed my coke down on the coffee table and got up. I reached for the door nob and opened the door and saw Ranboo standing in the rain drenched

"Ranboo!? What the hell- it's like 10pm wh-"

"I'm sorry Tommy- but can I stay over- please" he said with a shakey voice and looked at me.

His face was pale and he had blood dripping down his head. His hair was dripping water all over my floor.

What the fuck. Is he okay!?

"Yea, of course.. Come in" I said letting him in.

"Sit on the couch, I'll get bandages and stuff" I ran to the bathroom and grabbed the first aid-kit and a towel. I came back out and sat on the couch.

"What happened. " I asked giving him a towel and noticed flowers in his hand.

"Well I was coming here, for something and fell and hit my head pretty badly" he winced as I put a bandaid on his head. I signed

"These are for you by the way! " he smiled and handed the flowers to me

"Wha-" I blushed grabbing them

"I like you Tommy.. "

End of journal entry #1

I set down my journal and sighed. I had gotten on discord and had a bit of hope if i messaged Ranboo maybe he would reply. First i had to check the discord server.

I clicked on the icon of the server and saw him and Tubbo were in Vc..

Should i join.. Nah-

I knew he was a bit "busy" but i wanted attention.


'Hey Boo!'

He wouldnt reply quickly so i set my phone down. It woudlnt matter anyways. Ill see him in school tomorrow. I so badly wanted to join. Something told me i should..

I sighed and decided to join.

Im guessing they didnt hear me because no one said hi.

"I love you so much Tubbo" Ranboo said

"I love you too Boo.."

I gulped. Excuse me.. I left quickly.. Ranboo has never told me he loved me so much.. I laughed it off. I felt tears go down my face.. Shit shit shit... Stop crying Tommy. Big man. Big man only.. Your not a pussy- I calmed down. Maybe- Idk...

Words: 433

Very short story man, how do you guys like it. Erm i have a question for this story should i in the next chapter just have a bunch of flashbacks of when him and ranboo first started dating?

𝙄𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙩𝙤𝙭𝙞𝙘..?  |  𝙏𝙤𝙢𝙗𝙤𝙤 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩Where stories live. Discover now