just a kiss

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Ryan's POV

after we had come to the conclusion of that we would get to know each other at his house i followed dre to the student parking lot where we climbed into his 2011 range rover it was beautiful just like him wait what am i thinking im not gay im deeply in love with christa and i could never cheat on her.

plus what would others say if they found out i was gay for the class fatass.

honestly though i saw nothing wrong with him or his weight he made me happy because he reminded me that you dont have to be a certain size or shape to be happy and its okay to be different.as we pulled out of the lot and headed down the main road i started to ask him questions about his life.

when the words hit his ear he visibly tensed up and slightly relaxed.do i make him that nervous??

is he that scared of me?

i know the team gives him plenty of hell for being gay and overweight so its natural for him to think i will as well i wish i could show him im not.

"so are you in any thing at school any clubs??" i asked calmly.

"im in the orchestra" he replied as we turned the corner into a very nice gated community.

taking in my surroundings i relized that we were in the nicest part of town this had me thinking.

"oh really what instrument do you play?"


he must have seen my face because he said "yeah its kinda boring compared to what you do" 

and i could hear a hint of sadness in his voice.

i quickly explained myself."oh no i didnt mean to make a bad face thats just amazing i wish i had a talent like that how long have you been playing?"

"since i was 5 and we're here" he announced with a small smile and eyes that shined brighter than i have seen since i saw him.

looking out of the window my jaw must have fell through the floor of the car he must be a trillionaire or something he stayed in one of the biggest and most exstravagent houses i've ever seen.

it was a three story house with a large circular drive way with some of the nicest cars id ever seen his house was as big as the white house maybe even bigger!

seeing my face he said oh yeah my bryant collier and my mom is karen butcher my mouth flew open again.

"karen butcher the most successful designer of the century and bryant collier the rapper??? are your parents??"

"yeah" he replied casually as if it were no big deal.

"not to be rude or anything nut you dont dress or act like your basically royality"

he chuckled "its okay i didnt take offense to it i guess i think all of that is overrated because if i were to lose all of this over night i would still be the same person"

lets add that to our list of other reasons why dre's perfect.

gahhh i need to stop thinking like this i am not gay! i mentally scolded myself for thinking that way.

he laughed and said "are we going to go in or are we going to talk on the grass?"

did i say that aloud?? i nodded and followed him inside the house that looked bigger inside then it did outside.

it was like angels made this house everything was perfect nothing was out of place.

there were doors everywhere but the thing that caught my eye was the big winding stair case that looked like it was alot of fun.

while i was taking everything in dre called out to his parents who were apparently not home he dropped his keys on the small table by the door and read the note.

"well it looks like my parents are gone for the next to weeks so we have the house to ourselves" he said slightly above a whisper those nerves were back and in overdrive i could tell.

he silently lead me to his humongus kitchen.

"do you want anything to drink?" he politley offered

 i declined trying to show the same amount of politness so we sat there and questioned each other non stop turns out he sings to and he has a concert next week that i think he invited me to.

which reminded me.

"will you play a song for me?"

he tensed up once again but agreed he led me up the stairs to a room the size of my room, my living room, and my kitchen put together and then some!

he said this is my room which was obvious considering the walls were bar lines with music notes dancing on them on the far side of the room next to the glass wall was an aqua baby grand piano that looked untouched.

"have you played this thing yet?"

"nope" he responded quickly

"why" i asked curiously

"im not quite sure" he answered truthfully

"well go ahead and get to playing!" i joked.

sensing my humor he laughed light heartedly and began slowly playing.

at first i didnt know what he was playing until he struck a cord and i know instantly.

viva la vida by coldplay.

its one of my favorites even though its old and then it hit me the sound of his melodic voice found its way into my ears and wrapped itself around my heart.

i had never heard a voice so beautiful in my life i was mesmerized so mesmerized i hadnt even noticed that the song was over.

"wow" was all i could say i was speechless.

"was i that bad?" he asked shyly

"bad!? i could slap you for putting yourself and bad in the same sentence that was amazing" i exclaimed more excitingly than any straight boy should. 

he smiled and thanked me.

"may i come to your concert next week?"

i asked hoping he would say yes i had to hear him that voice i had to support him in anyway possible.

"if you want"  he said so silently i almost didnt catch it.

 i almost screamed with happiness wait why was i so happy??

i needed to get away from him he's turning me into something im not a FAG!

that second i tore down the stairs and out of the door i needed to clear my mind even what the hell was happening to me i wasnt sure were i was running but a couple of things were clear the first i need to get some cat and the second one was that i definatley am not going to school tomorrow.!


what do you think is going on comment and tell me what you think is going to happen

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