tears on the blue piano

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Dre's POV

he gave me a look of pure hatred and then ran out of the room i screamed his name with tears rolling down my cheeks.

i was crying.but for what reason i didnt even know him that well and he had affected me in such a way that even i couldn't explain.

with confusion and sadness bundeled inside i quickly took my iphone 4 and dialed symones number not even paying attention to the time or how i sounded.

"helloooooo" she sang in her cheery voice.

which only made me wail louder already knowing the reason for my calling she hung up and in under five minutes she was in my room consoling me.

"now explain exactly what happened"

i slowly explained to her what happened inbetween sobs.

once she had gotten me to calm down a bit and peiced together the story she asked me if i wanted her advice not really wanting i reluctantly nodded my head.

"he's gay" she said nonchalantly.

i stared at her bewildered.

"did you not hear me when i said he looked like he hateed me and ran out of my house?" i asked with alittle more attitude then neccessary. "

he's confused about what he wants.he wants to believe he's straight but he knows he has some kind of feelings for you he doesnt know how to exspress them so in his confusion he ran."

not really understanding i nodded my head.

catching on to my puzzlement she continued "that look he gave you wasnt hate but confusion"

to tired for an explanation i asked if she wanted to stay the night she accepted knowing that she has clothes over here.

"oh and he's not coming to school tomorrow either" not sure how she knew that but i went with it.

Ryan's POV

pulling out my phone i quickly called christa and told her i needed some fast.

she was over faster then lightening we were laying in my bed and she was kissing my neck and sucking my earlobe and groping me.

it felt physically amazing but emotionally i felt dirty like i was cheating on dre what's going on??

she rips off my shirt and runs her tounge all over my abs while shes unbuttoning my pants and in that moment it dawned on me that i couldnt do that with her or any other girl.

scared she might notice i cant get it up i stopped her before she could get to hands on.

i made up some lame exscuse and apologized and sent her home.

i told her i would call later and i loved her and thats what the hardest part was saying that i loved her.

it wasnt a lie i did love her but i was afraid i was falling out of love with her.

i should have seen this coming ever since i had layed eyes on dre freshman year i had felt something for him i couldnt explain exactly what it was so i ignored it and when ms.boon assigned us as partners those feelings welled up inside of me.

but i cant explain exactly what they were but they were strong.

and when we were in his room and he was singing and playing i wanted to hold him and kiss him like i do christa.

"im gay for dre"

 damn thats hard to say aloud but comforting.

aside from the epiphany of me finding out im gay it also dawned on me that im a jerk.

he probably thinks i hate him in every way possible i have to make this right if its the last thing i do.

but first how do i tell him im gay?

how do i tell my parents!?

first things first ill make it right with him at school tomorrow and ask him for some help maybe then i can answer some of the many questions i have.

 dang it on top of all that im a liar cause i said i wasnt going to school dang i need to get my life together.

i searched high and low for dre but i couldnt find him theres no way hes not at school he has to practice his solo i know that for a fact.

and the lightbulb went off in my head i raced towards the band hall with the flowers and huge teddy bear in hand getting some looks and shoutouts of shes over here.

and then i stopped dead in my tracks i forgot i hadnt broken up with christa or came out at school and i honestly didnt know how.

running my fingers through my hair i ducked into an empty classroom so i can sort things out and avoid christa and the gang as i busted in the door i smashed into something big and squishy looking down it was just the person i was looking for welp here goes nothing i gulped.

"im sorry"

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