4| lets go back.

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Senju and Mikey were having there private time walking around heaven looking at the lovely view and quietness you could say heaven was different from earth. Many people was upsetting hearing how young they died but there was also others but they were more upset of Mikey's part of the story.

Meanwhile with Takemichi.

I have to Naoto.... If I do we can be alive again.... I won't fail this time! Not again! Takemichi thought. Takemichi searched the hole place of heaven until he found one place it was quiet and the wind there was warm. There he saw an man with black hair and was wearing an suit, it was Naoto.

"Naoto!!" Shouts

Takemichi came running towards him and hugged him.

"I was waiting for you Takemichi..."

Takemichi's cried in Naoto's arms telling him about everything that happened (btw if you don't understand read my first book!).

"You did a great job Takemichi."

Naoto words calmed him down Naoto looked friendly then before.

"Naoto I want to do an handshake so.."

"So I can go back in the past and save my friends... *sighs* don't worry Takemichi I understand..."

Takemichi wasn't surprised that Naoto knew what he was gonna say instead they both made an handshake an zap he was back five years before the tragedy.

"Takemichi we gonna be late!"

An woman in a white dress and long ginger her but a bit red came running towards him.


Hina looked confused until she realized that was Takemichi from the future. She knew something has gotten bad then she hugged Takemichi tight.

"Something bad again huh... don't worry I will always be there by your side in your heart Takemichi"

Takemichi started to cry by her words she really was a good therapist. Hina wiped Takemichi's tears took him by the hand walking over to Chifuyu, Kazutora, Senju, and Mikey. They we're all at the airport waiting for Mitsuya and Yuzuha because they finally returned after some months. They waited some hours until they heard an girl and a boy they're voices we're familiar at first Kazutora thought it was penguins that could speak but then they realized it was Yuzuha and Mitsuya.

"Yuzu Mits!"

Kazutora came running to them in full speed the three fell on the floor laughing loud.

"It's been so long guys!" Sobs

"Kazutora don't sob!"

Yuzuha tried to make Kazutora stop sobbing but nothing worked. Mitsuya came over to the others.

"So how did the modeling go and fanshion show?"

Mitsuya was quiet for an bit the others we're scared if they had lost.

"We won first place!" Shouts

Yuzuha shouted before Mitsuya could answer them. All of them was relieved, while Kazutora and Yuzuha were jumping and dancing together, Mitsuya just laughed and joined Kazutora and Yuzuha and so did Mikey. The others we're shocked seeing Mikey actually showing his emotions, Kazutora, Yuzuha, Mitsuya and Senju just smiled. The hole group started dancing and laughing forgetting that they we're in the airport. Takemichi cried of joy finally being able to dance and smile with his best friends.

Thank you god Takemichi thought.

Some time later they all were laying down on some grass with the hair on some flowers under an cherry blossom tree talking and laughing. Senju pointed at the clouds shaped like them.

"We should hang out here sometimes here with snacks!"

They other agreed with Senju.

"Like a best friends forever!!"

Hina said well that meant that Senju and Mikey had to cancel their date. But who cares Senju and Mikey thought.

"Senju is okay if we cancel our date we can do it next time<3"

Senju nodded. Takemichi was upset for them but was happy inside because if went on that date Senju was gonna die. And he didn't want to fail again.

As long all of them are alive we'll be okay Takemichi thought.

"Takemichi hurry up it's group photo time!"

"Im coming Chifuyu!"

Chifuyu and Takemichi walked together over to the others. Senju showed them the photo they took.

"Aww we look so cool! Senju send the photos to us!"

Senju did as Chifuyu asked. They had taken multiple photos before but this was one of the best one out of all 10 of them.

"Hmmm guys wanna have a sleepover at my place!"

They others gladly wanted to visit Senju. But mostly because they heard the news about Ayumu having an pretty girl in his class. When they arrived at Senju's house Ayumu opened the door. Senju opened her arms for him to hug her, but he came running towards Takemichi, Mikey, Yuzuha, and Kazutora. Chifuyu and Mitsuya laughed before Senju was clenching her fist ready to punch them. Then Ayumu came to hug Chifuyu and Mitsuya.

"I've missed you guys"

"We've missed you to little kiddo!" All expect for Senju

Ayumu took Mikey by the hands and leaded them inside the house. It was clean and lovely they all loved it. Ayumu showed them the rooms that they could sleep in, Senju had enough rooms for them. But the others had forced Mikey and Senju to share bedroom.

"Ayumu it's past your bed time plus you don't wanna be late for school tomorrow!"

Ayumu summer break had pasted but the others had summer break till September the 21st. Ayumu went to bad happily because he was gonna have a play date with the new pretty girl called Kamiya they were the same age but she was some months older then him. The others also went to sleep expect for Senju and Mikey they were talking together.

"What plans do we have in the future?"

Mikey was quiet a bit he had to think but then Takemichi's voice came in his mind "get married and have beautiful kids dude!" Mikey changed his face expression to an annoyed face with no expression. Senju giggled when she saw him like that he was cute like that.

"Ummm maybe get married...?" Mumbles.



Senju hugged loud and clear about what Mikey said she smiled.

"I think it's a great idea. I have always wanted to marry you" yawns.

Those were Senju's last words before she fell asleep while holding Mikey's hand. Mikey was speechless.

Did she really just say that!? Mikey thought.

Mikey thought about what Senju said for a while but then decided to rest since he needed some.

|AHHH! I think I'm finally getting some motivation to post since I'm not busy all the time now! Lol like I used to be 🚶‍♀️anyways should Mikey and Senju get married? 🤷‍♀️ let's wait until my friends will answer the question! Stay tuned oh and I recommend reading this maisenju story called (True love Mikey x Senju) it's pretty good! And also (My only source of light) 🤗‼️|

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