8| Our best meeting |part 2

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"The weather is good like always!"

Mikey said proudly, Senju looked around she was amazed along with Baji and Haruchiyo.

"Wow umm boy you have good taste in places!"

Mikey walked over to Senju and stood in front of her with confidence.

"My name is Manjiro but Mikey for short<3"

Senju changed her face expression to an I don't care and I never asked. Baji gave Mikey a little smack on his back and pointed his head a towards a dark forest.

"I'm not sure if we should go there"

Mikey was nervous, Senju smiled and whispered in his ears "don't be afraid Manjiro if you're a chicken I can protect you" Mikey looked annoyed at Senju while she was giggling at him. She was making fun of him.

"I'm not a chicken! Guys let's go!"

Mikey ran into the forest with Baji and Haruchiyo.

"Hey guys wait up!"

Senju entered the forest it was completely dark you almost couldn't see anything but only a weak little light, she couldn't spot the others anywhere.

Did they really leave me behind!? Senju thought.

Senju hold her hands tight while she was shaking in fear.

I want my mommy! Senju thought.

Senju began to cry quietly. Baji, Haruchiyo and Mikey was planning to scare her, Mikey stepped on a branch on purpose. Senju skin started to crawl after she heard a sound. She ran fast but she bumped into someone, her and the person were rolling downhill, at least nothing happened to Senju but the person knee was hurt turns out the person had protected Senju from getting hurt. The person took they're flashlight and turned it on.


Mikey smiled at Senju like nothing had happened he wanted to proof to her that he was a trustworthy person and he would protect her no matter what.

"Have you been crying?"


Senju was about to wipe her tears away but Mikey did it for her, after Mikey had wiped her tears away she cried.

"Ehh Princess Senju you are crying!"

Senju hugged Mikey tight, Mikey was shocked but after some seconds he was relieved. Senju was crying because no boy had cared for her (expect for her brothers of course). Mikey patted Senju head, her hair was relaxing and soft. Mikey stomach rumbled. Senju stopped hugging him and looked at him and they both laughed a bit. While Baji was trying to tell Haruchiyo not to plan to kill Mikey and spare him. Senju helped Mikey get up since he hurt his knee.

"Hey guys!"

Senju was under Mikey's shoulder when Haruchiyo spotted him with his little sister he jumped on him and attacked him.

-1 hour later-

"I'm sorry to get you into this trouble.."

Mikey and Senju were sitting on a couch in Mikey's room watching cartoons.

"Nah it's fine!"

Senju had a bandaged in her little bag and putted own Mikey's knee. Then she took Mikey by her right arm and look directly into his eyes with an serious face.

"Mikey it's not okay you protected me and you got attacked by my brother! Is there anyway..... i..... can ever repay you..?"

"Yes actually"


"By letting go of my hand"

"Oh yeah.. sorry!"

Senju and Mikey looked different directions, After 10 minutes of watching cartoons Senju could feel a little weight on her lap she looked down to see Mikey sleeping, at first she was nervous and wanted to wake him up but later on she was calm he was sleeping like an baby. Senju took Mikey by the cheeks and squeezed them.

Ahh they're so soft!! Senju thought

After touching them she rested her head at the edge of the couch where there is a pillow and watched some more cartoons. Baji opened the door to Mikey's room but noticed them together and took a camera he found on Shinichiro's room snap it said and then he closed the door to Mikey's room. An girl 2 years younger then Senju had entered the room and stood in front of her and Mikey she had blonde hair with yellow brownish eye color.

Ahh she's also so cute!! Senju thought.

"Are you Mikey's girlfriend?"

Senju smiled at the little girl.

"I'm sorry but I'm not I'm his friend<3"

The little girl came towards Senju.

"My name is Emma!!"

"Emma that's a cute name well I'm Senju<3"

Emma smiled and waved goodbye to Senju then left the room. Senju felt her eyelashes being more heavy for and her eyes almost couldn't be fully open she slowly closed her eyes letting her eyelashes cover her eyes.

|never thought I'll also complete an chapter today but I hope you liked this one because I spent a little time on it and my stomach is extremely hungry now so bye<3 mMaisenju aubrina15 both of you two are my favorites along with Kakikami anyways bye for the second time!!|

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