Status: Completed
The story of this manga revolves around 2 office workers whose real personalities are quite different from the one they show in the office. Later the main plot changes from this to them secretly dating.
I am not gonna lie initially it took me some time to get into this one and also the comparison of Yu Na Han to a man just because she wasn't feminine made me a lil uncomfortable. BUT once I got into it, it became a lot better, the exaggerated reactions of the characters also made it funny and I think everyone including the side characters had a lot of character development by the end.
Recommended: Was gonna give it a Meh but after reading all of it I'd say go for it.
Yuri Manga And Webtoon Recommendations
Não FicçãoReading and Recommending yuri mangas and webtoons because I am gay and they are very underappreciated. \\\\\\\\\\\\\