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It's was interviewing for Nanon's upcoming film which starts with Gun, Nanon,Tay, Off.

    Press: So What was the film was about.

   Tay: It was great science-fiction It was about Time loop that all I can say, but Once you all watch this movie you guys would love it.

   Press: All main acts are in this film was already famous and had there own fanbase what you all gonna say to all your fans.

Gun: I am also happy to have fans like them because of them I still in this place.

Off: All I can say was thanks for your all support keep supporting me.

Tay: I was lucky to have them as my fans.

Nanon: All my senior said all better words for there fans already, so all i can say was I love you all, I always love you all even I don't you all even though I don't seen every one face and not know you guys name, I was lucky to love by you all.

Press:This question is for both Nanon and Gun we got to know about accident happened while filming for Nanon and rumours says about its was Gun's plan.

Gun: As you said it was rumours don't believe in rumours the accident happened because of some technical issues and I got nothing to do with it.

Nanon: I do think it's a silly rumours I myself was big fan of P'Gun I came this industry he was also reason p'Gun was my role model I don't want any bad name towards him.

   Press: we Support your film.

  All crews: we work hard for this film we hope you all watch in theatres and support us.

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