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Nanon pov:)

     I feel confused by the fact, Do I even love myself ?

       I mean when I was on my teenage all I hope for life that I had now.

     But now all I want was peaceful life.

     Like how invisible I am felt on my teenage, all I want was little attention from someone I was so silly back than I mean who would even cry for a bully who got kicked out of school that same person who treat him like sh*t, who would feel pleased just cause he got little pet on his head, Who would work hard to get a person who I am so all would love him just cause he was successful.

      Here I am curses myself being hopelessly lost...

       I am having another busy day.

    I had another depressing role acting depressing role is hard cause it makes you feel unworthy, uneasy, lost, useless and in another I had to act like home wicker... Who processed by a love for a married man...

      I was lucky to have some loyal fans but I got bigger number of hater...

       Some people really love my acting while some people compared me with there favourite actors ...

If I read all my comment season I would kill myself that how hard it would be I thought being successful is a way so people can love me, But I was wrong...

         I wish to be a person who doesn't care about anything...

      I closed my eyes....

      Before I fallen sleep where I can be peaceful....

All alone....

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