Chapter 4

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Picture of Eric Tester above

"Beep, Beep, Beep."

"Ugh," I groaned. Today was a Thursday and I have school.

"Sis, wake up," Alec said, I noticed he was already dressed for school.

"Why are you dressed so early," I said said getting up to get ready and brush.

"I have to go to football practice this morning cause the coach won't be here in the afternoon," he said. I just nodded as I brushed.

"Well I gotta leave in about ten minutes, do you want to come with?" He asked.

"Sure," I said.

He quickly went downstairs as I changed. I wore a colorful floral crop top with a leather jacket, some denim jeans, and black combat boots. Then I put on some mascara and then went downstairs.

"Lets go," I said and I swung my backpack over my shoulder and got my keys, hell I wasn't riding a motorcycle.

Liam was waiting outside leaning against my car.

"Shotgun," Liam called. I just rolled my eyes.

We got in my car, I took the driver's seat obviously, Liam sat in the front, and Alec sat in the back.

"So bestie, will you come watch me play football when we get to school," he said as I nodded my head and Liam just rolled his eyes at us for calling each other bestie.

"Oh couse what kind of bestie would I be if I didn't," I said.

"Are you going to come to the game tommorow," Liam asked.

"Yeah I guess what time is it at," I asked.

"Friday which is that tommorow at 5:30 pm," he answered. I nodded.

When we got to the school I parked my car and then we went to the football field, where I just sat on the bleachers.

While they were practicing I saw Skylar come my way.

"Hey," I happily said.

"Hi," she said back.

"So what brings you here," I asked.

"Same as you probably, boy problems," she said. I laughed.

"What are you talking about I don't have boy problems well not yet at least," I said laughing.

"Really," she said.

"Yeah and who would I even have boy problems over," I asked.

"Liam duh," Skylar said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What how in the world would I be having guy problems over Liam," I said full on laughing.

But Skylar just gave me a look that said that I was supposed to know what she meant but I honestly didn't. After a couple of seconds Skylar looked like she was about to say something before someone interrupted us.

"Hey cupcake nice morning huh," Liam said. I turned and smiled at him.

"Yup everything today just seems different today," I said smilling.

"Like how," Liam asked.

"Like better," I said sighing.

"Yeah sure, no you know problems," Skylar said getting up and walking away.

"What was that about," Liam asked.

"Honestly I dont even know," I said, I looked out to the field where I saw a tall built figure walking my way.

"Hey look its Brad," Liam said, thus quickly brought the smile back to my face.

"Hey Brad what's up," Liam said.

"Oh um nothing much and shouldn't you be in uniform, coach will flip if you miss practice again,"Brad said.

"You play foootball," I asked.

"Hey just because I'm a Badass doesn't mean I can't play football," Liam said.

"Hey that's not all, Liam here is also team captain a pretty crappy one, but still team captian," Brad said.

"Hey," Liam said shoving Brad.

"Okay well you get back to practice," I said pointing at Brad.

"And you go get into your football gear and head to practice," I said pointing at Liam.

"Well what about you, what are you going to do. I would be a pretty crappy friend if I let you be bored here all alone," Liam said.

"Well it's touching that you care but I won't be bored I get to watch people tackle you," I said laughing.

"Oh cupcake there's a reason they call me team captain," Liam said while running of. I just started laughing.

About 8 minutes later Liam came running out to the field in full speed in all of his uniform and tackled Brad. Oh god that must have hurt I mean both were pretty built but even I know that had to hurt.

It was 25 minutes into practice before two people sat down on either side of me. Great just when I thought I was having a good day the one person who could have ruined it, ruined it.

"Hey babe" Aaron said. I just ignored and tried my hardest to keep my attention on the practice.

"So how's your day going babe" he asked.

"Great before you got here" I sneered.

"Wow your right she is feisty but it suits her" the guy in the opposite side if me said.

"Excuse me" I said to the guy next to me.

"Oh sorry I'm Logan, Logan Herman" he said.

"Oh good to know now another person I can avoid" I said while standing up. But Aaron wasn't having any of it right when I was about to walk away he grabbed my arm and hauled me back, but not with to much force.

Just about enough force to make me turn around and punch him. After my fist came in contact with his face he let go of my arm to cradle his face.

"Never touch me again you asshole" I said while I turned back to face him and his friend.

"And you if come anywhere near me again just see what happens" I growled before I walked away.

"Hey" I heard someone call but chose to ignore and keep walking.

"Hey Allison" I kept walking while the voice called out. But I stopped when the person grabbed my shoulders and turned me around to face them.

I was getting ready to punch whoever had grabbed me and probably knee them in an unrepairable place in other words their crotch, but that was before I saw the person.

"Hey Allison you okay" Eric asked.

"Ya I'm fine" I said sighing.

"Look I know your not, Liam sent me here to check up on you he probably would have came here if it wasn't for coach who's making him run 3 miles because he missed so many practices. But he was going to come anyway before I told him I would take care of it". Eric rambled.

"Hey calm down I'm okay I just had an encounter with someone who I really didn't want to talk to." I said.

"But um if he's worried or asks about me just say I'm okay. And tell him I'm sorry I couldn't watch him during practice," I said while walking off the football field.

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