Chapter 6

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Pic of Hollands Roden or Skylar
Allison's pov

Once we had made it back inside of the school the bell for lunch rang so Eric and I walked to my locker then his to grab our lunch then made our way to the cafeteria.

Once we made it to our table and I had taken a seat between Liam and Brad, which was clearly a mistake I was bombarded with questions.

"Are you okay," Brad asked.

"What the Dick face say," and angry Alec asked.

"I should have sat next to you then this wouldn't have happened," Brad said with a sad expression.

"If this was Aaron I will bash his skull in," Liam said menacingly.

"I should just switch into that class" Skylar said.

"Guys quit asking her so many questions she will tell you if she wants to" Eric said.

"Thanks Eric but really its no big deal it just he was getting on my nerves and I had to get out of the before I did something I probably wouldn't regret but get in trouble for." I said.

They all nodded understandingly except for Liam who looked like he was about to murder somebody. I slightly shoulder bumped him, after Liam had set his eyes on my his features softened.

I put a hand on his shoulder but took it off once I felt him tense up.

"Listen im seriously okay I don't want you to try and do something to him over nothing." I said.

"Okay just promise me if he does anything or tries to pull something or even piss you of just call me." Liam said with a dead serious face.

"As sweet as that is, I can take care of myself" I said.

Liam placed his had on my thigh even though I was wearing jeans I could still feel the warmth of his hand through the material. The next words that came out of Liam's mouth made me think that he really meant it.

"I mean it" Liam said giving my thigh a slight squeeze before he let go and start talking with the others about some football game.

"Oh yeah that reminds me every semester the school does this football game were each player asks a girl to come with them and then later on there's a party in the woods and you just get drunk and celebrate the victory" Brad said.

"Oh yeah I remember I needed to ask you something" Eric said

"And what might that be" I asked smiling.

"Are you going to eat that kit-kat or..." Eric said trailing of I just frowned.

"Im just kidding I wanted to ask you if you would like to go with me to that game" Eric said.

"Hmmm let me think about that ummm yes" I said smiling like crazy.

"Great its this Friday and do you want me to pick you up or...." Eric said trailing of at the end.

"Um it's okay I'll drive there with my car because your going to have to practice before the game so I'll get my car." I said.

"Are you sure" Eric asked.

"Yeah I'm sure I just can't wait for you guys to beat the other school." I said smiling, I was just waiting for Liam to say some comment about how they would beat the other school or how the players were pansies or something but he never did.

He seemed tense and quiet, that funny because he was fine just a minute ago. Whatever it's probably just one of his unknown mood swings. Just when I thought things were going good at lunch Aaron showed up our table. Oh god this wasn't going to end well, either I would punch him or one of the guys/Skylar would murder him.

"What do you want" Brad asked scooting closer to my side.

"Relax relax were all friends here" Aaron said while facing me. I tensed slightly, Liam must have noticed because he had completely snapped out of his mood swing mode and put a reassuring hand on my arm.

"We are not your friends" Eric said as calmly as possible.

"Why are you here Aaron class is one thing but bothering me while I'm with MY friends is another thing" I said while glaring at Aaron.

"Well I just wanted to come over here and ask my girl to the football game." Aaron said smirking.

"Your not even on the team" Alec said looking like he was about to blow a fuse. Aaron turned towards Alec, an expression crossed his face but it flashed by to quick to read.

"Oh look who it is little Alec, my my you've grown an awful lot since the last time I saw you"Aaron said. Alec didn't respond just glared like me.

"So what do you say babe" Aaron said turning back to me. I started clenching my fists why the fuck couldn't he just leave me alone. I was clenching my fists so hard my knuckles had turned white.

"I am not your girl and you have no right calling me babe" I said.

"Aww but you are my girl sweet cheeks and you always will be" Aaron said smirking. That was it I no longer cared about my actions all I cared about was making the bastard stay away.

I stood up walked straight towards Aaron and punch him square in the face, again. I heard a satisfying crack before I kneed him in the balls and pushed Aaron to the floor before I walked out of the cafeteria with everyone staring in shock.

For the third time today I had found myself in the football field but this time instead of sitting on the bleachers and thinking about the bastard of an ex-boyfriend I walked to the car park. I hoped into my car and sped out of the parking lot not knowing of the direction I was headed in.

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