Chapter 8

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Pic of Logan

Allison's pov

"Just pick a movie" I whined. They had been at this for at least 20 minutes trying to pick a movie that all of us agreed on. First we were going to watch a TV show series but only me and Skylar wanted to do that.

Then we were going to watch the Avengers but 3 of us had already watched it. So now were trying to decide over horror or action movie because Brad had the genius idea of action. Currently both Brad and Alec are having a pillow fight to see who would win and pick the type of movie we watch.

"Are we going to do something or just watch them" I said while taking a sip of my soda.

"Do you think we should stop them before they break something" Skylar said. We both looked at each other for a minute.

"Nahhhh" me and Skylar both said. We both started laughing.

"Okay but really what do you want to do about this" Skylar said pointing over to the guys with here finger.

"I got an idea" I said. I stood up and headed to the kitchen were I found 2 cans of whip cream and handed one to Skylar.

"You know what to do" I said while motioning to the boys who still hadn't noticed anything going on around them. We both ran as fast as we could towards the boys and sprayed each with whip cream.

In the process of spraying the whip cream I hadn't noticed that I had fallen on top of Eric who by the way was covered in whip cream smiling up at me.

I took the can and sprayed some in my mouth then on Eric's face which was now a very goofy looking expression. Eric grabbed the whip cream out of my hand and turned us over so that he was on top.

"Looks like the shoes on the other foot huh" Eric said smirking down at me while putting his finger on the sprayer part of the can.

"You wouldn't" I said dead serious.

"Oh watch me" Eric said while he sprayed my face.

"Oh my god I hate you" I said doing an impression of some one who would actually care about whip cream being in there face.

"Aww Babe don't say that" Eric said smirking down at me. I pushed Eric off of me and got up.

"Oh look who got a taste of her own medicine" Liam said. He leaned down and licked some whip cream of my face but before he could actually lick my face I sprayed some on his face.

"And looks like you have to" I said, I sprayed some more whip cream into my hand and smacked Liam across the face but not to hard.

"SMACK CAM" I said while laughing.

"Ohhhhh she got you good Liam" Brad said laughing.

"Hey Liam I think you got a little something there" I said while pointing to his face and laughing.

"Shut up" Liam said playfully while whipping his face with his hand.

"SMACK CAM" Skylar yelled while she smacked Alec.

"Ha sucker who's laughing now" Liam said pointing at Alec who was gapping like a fish.

"You are so getting it" Alec yelled playfully while chasing after Skylar who was now running while squealing. she ran into one of the many rooms with Alec hot on her heels.

"DONT FORGET TO USE PROTECTION" I yelled down the hallway for both Skylar and Alec to hear.

"SHUT UP" they both yelled back playfully. We all started laughing.


"So are we still going to watch that movie or what" I said to the guys.

"Definitely" they all said while nodding.

"Okay then since you guys couldn't pick a movie Brad and Liam are going to do Rock Paper Scissors and 2 out of 3 gets to pic the movie" I said.

Well Brad ended up losing and Liam got to pick the movie which was supposed to be a surprise so while the boys were turning on the movie me, Skylar and Brad were in the kitchen getting snacks. Which happened to be candy more candy, popcorn, soda, some red bull and some Starbucks vanilla frapé.

"Alright guys movies starting" Alec yelled.

"Okay how do we want to sit" Eric asked.

"Well there's 3 couches 1 couch can seat three people while the other on only seats 2 and then there's a recliner." I said. I sat down on the couch for three people with Liam on one side and Eric on the other.

There was blankets and stray pillows everywhere you look, it was no longer a living room but a huge pit of comfiness.

Through the first part of the movie every thing was great nothing to scary just a little bit of Pop-ups. Later on at least 20 minutes into the movie I figured out that we were watching the conjuring.

I had seen the trailer for this movie which was really scary so right now I was pretty much shaking under all of the blankets. and just to make me feel safer I scooted closer to Eric. Which I'm guessing he didn't mind considering that he scooted closer to.

"Hey cupcake are you tired" I heard Liam said.

"Yeah a little" I said before letting out a quiet yawn.

"Here you can lean on my shoulder" Liam said scooting closer to me.

"No it's okay I don't wanna sleep" I said.

It was about 20 more minutes into the movie to the part were all the scary shit starts and I was hiding under the blankets.

I had been under the blankets for a while now so the scary part should be over, I though. I peeked through the blankets, definitely wrong move just when I decided to peek out a ghost thing jumped on the girl and popped out at me.

I not only jumped but also let out and ear piercing scream. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and pulled my into a rock hard chest. I didn't even bother looking up to see who I was pressed up against I just enjoyed the feeling of being safe from the damn movie.

Before I new it I found myself drifting of into sleep and finding it harder to keep my eyes open. And soon enough I drifted into a deep sleep.

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